
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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分析PISA 2009 低閱讀素養表現學生的背景和學校教育特點

English Abstract

This study seeks to examine literacy performance characteristics of secondary students in Macao in PISA 2009. Students’ personal and learning strategy use characteristics, as well as those of the schools are included in the analyses. Making use of the questionnaire data in PISA 2009, the present study analyzed factors affecting students’ literacy performance, and arrived at the following conclusions: 1. In PISA 2009, there are more males than females in the group of low-performing students. At the same time, those who have repeated grades are more in number than those who haven’t. Compared with the private schools, there is a higher percentage of students who are low-achieving in reading literacy studying in the government schools. 2. Reading for enjoyment is one important factor affecting student’s reading literacy performance. Those students who do not read for enjoyment have a higher chance of being a low-performer in reading literacy than those who do. Those who read every day have a lower chance of being a low-performer in reading literacy than those who don’t. Likewise, those who read widely are less likely to be low-performers in reading literacy. 3. In the area of school learning environment, harmonious student-teacher relationships and good language classroom disciplines are factors affecting students’ reading literacy performance. Teacher’s stimulation of student’s reading engagement is not shown to be statistically significantly related to students’ reading literacy performance. 4. There is a relatively high percentage of low-performing students who have not yet mastered reading strategies in reading literacy. Regarding the use of metacognitive reading strategies, those students who are not low-achieving in reading literacy are slightly better than those who are not. Based on the above findings, recommendations are made to parents, schools and educational authorities with an aim to improve student’s performance in reading literacy.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討參與 PISA 2009 測試的影響澳門中學生閱讀素養表現的因素特 徵,包括個人特徵、學習策略運用特徵和學校特徵。 為達上述研究目的,本研究根據 PISA 2009 學生問卷調查數據,對澳門學生閱 素養表現的因素進行分析,從而得到以下結論: 1. PISA 2009 低閱讀素養表現學生的男生比例較女生高。同時,低閱讀素養 表現學生為留級生的比例較非留級生高。相對私立學校而言,公立學校有 較高比例的低閱讀素養表現學生。 2. 為了樂趣而閱讀是影響學生閱讀素養表現的重要因素,不會為了樂趣而閱 讀的學生,有較高機會是低閱讀素養表現者。每天閱讀的學生為低閱讀素 養表現者的比例低於每天都不會閱讀的學生。同樣地,閱讀材料多樣化的 學生有較少機會是低閱讀素表現者。 3. 在學校的學習環境方面,融洽和諧的師生關係、良好的語文課課堂紀律秩 序與學生的讀素養表現相關,教師激勵學生參與閱讀方面,未能證實與學 生閱讀素養表現在統計上顯著相關。 4. 有較高比例的低閱讀素養表現學生未能掌握學習策略。而運用後設認知能 力方面,非低閱讀素養表現學生比低閱讀素低表現學生稍見優勝。 基於上述發現,本研究試就改善學生閱讀素養表現,向家長、學校及教育當局 提供部分建議。

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Faculty of Education




Reading (Middle school) -- Macau

閱讀 (高級小學至初級中學) -- 澳門



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