
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


中國內地住房反向抵押貸款制度研究 = Research on reverse mortgage in mineland [mainland] China

English Abstract

Compared with the western developed countries,China entered the aging society in spite of the fact that it is still classified as the less developed regions. Relative to the developed countries, the problem of rural old people is confronted with the especially austere ordeal. At the same time, with the bloom of "421" family structure and empty-nest families have large effects on our society. The traditional patterns of family parents supporting can't solve the problem of parents supporting fundamentally. It is urgent to look for new ways of parents supporting to relieve the aging crisis. Reverse mortgage, as a elderly-supporting form, is developing rapidly and becoming more and more mature in the developed countries which take the lead in entering into aging society. Reverse mortgage has played a positive role in solving retired-elderly people’s aging problem, improving life quality of elderly retired people and reducing the elderly poverty, etc. Reverse mortgage as a type of mortgage in which a homeowner can borrow money against the value of his or her home. No repayment of the mortgage is required until the borrower dies or the home is sold. Because of its cash flow in contrast to the normal mortgage, so called reverse mortgages. By analyzing our country on the current state of social life and system, the author found that the development of this system can improve the older old age, effectively alleviate the pressure of the pension. In addition to, it has positive significance for economic and social development. Meanwhile, as the end of last century in the housing reform, the secondary housing market in China has gradually developed and residential free rate surpassed the world average level. Base on the rapid development of China's financial sector, China has completely satisfy the conditions to carry out reverse mortgage. After fully analysis and research on reverse mortgage, this article makes some suggestions for the operation of reverse mortgage. First of all, according to the system operating characteristics which cycle is long, high risk, complicated content and great social influence. The author thinks that the commercial banks and insurance 3 companies to carry out this system is most appropriate. Meanwhile, it needs social security institution to cooperate. Secondly, on the restrictions on borrowers, considering the actual condition of China's current, I suggest to limit the borrower for the elderly’s age and property. Thirdly, to face the risk of carry out Reverse Mortgage, some suggestions on evading and dissolve the risk were given in this paper by analyzing sources and characteristics of different risk. In the end, the government should play an important role in the operation, due to Reverse Mortgage has the attributes of social security and take on the responsibilities of social endowment.

Chinese Abstract

與西方發達國家的老齡化進程不同,中國是在經濟尚不發達的情況下步入 老齡化社會的,這就意味著,相比於發達國家,中國的養老問題面臨著更加嚴 峻的考驗。同時,“421”結構家庭的大量出現和“空巢家庭”的增多,對社會 產生了重要的影響,長期以來傳統的家庭養老模式難以為繼,中國亟需尋找新 的養老方式,以緩解當前日趨嚴重的養老危機。此時,住房反向抵押貸款制度 作為一種養老方式在率先進入老齡化社會的發達國家中逐漸發展並走向成熟, 並且在解決退休老人養老、提高老年人生活品質、減少老年人貧困等問題上發 揮了積極的作用。 所謂反向抵押貸款,是指老年房主以其擁有產權的住房作為抵押物,與貸 款機構簽訂住房反向抵押貸款合同,貸款機構根據房產價值支付貸款給老年人, 當老年人過世後房產歸貸款機構所有。由於它的現金流向與普通的抵押貸款相 反,故被稱為反向抵押貸款。 通過對我國當前社會狀況和制度本身的分析研究,筆者發現這一制度的開 展除了可以改善老年人晚年生活、有效的緩解養老壓力外,對我國社會和經濟 的發展也有一定的積極意義。與此同時,隨著上世紀末房產改革的順利進行, 中國的房地產二級市場逐步發展起來,居民住房自由率水準也遠遠超過了世界 平均水準,再加之中國金融業的迅猛發展,中國已經完全具備了開展反向抵押 貸款的條件。 在對這一制度進行充分的分析研究後,本文對未來我國反向抵押貸款制度 的運作提出了一些建議。首先,根據這一制度運作週期長、風險大、內容複雜、 社會影響大的運作特點,筆者認為由商業銀行和保險公司開展這一業務最為合 適,同時需要社會保障機構予以配合;其次,對於借款人身份限制的問題,本 文考慮到中國當前的實際狀況,建議對老年借款人的年齡和財產狀況進行限制; 再次,對於開辦反向抵押貸款業務將會面臨的一系列風險,筆者通過對不同風 險的來源和特點進行分析,針對不同風險給出了規避和化解風險的建議;最後, 由於反向抵押貸款制度所具有的社會保障屬性和所肩負著的社會養老職責,政 府應當在運作過程中發揮重要作用。

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Faculty of Law




Home equity conversion -- China

住房權益轉換 -- 中國

Mortgage loans, Reverse -- China

逆向房地產抵押貸款 -- 中國



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