
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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生命教育與小學體育教學融合研究 : 高小學生人際關係發展

English Abstract

Life Education has special meaning to the value development of every individual. Traditional teaching has the emphasis on the subject knowledge and the lack of discussion on value education weakens its position in teaching. The purpose of this research is to focus on the impact of life education to the development of interpersonal relationship in physical education at upper primary school students. This research adopted the Quasi-experimental method to compare data collected through questionnaire survey. A pre test and post test procedures were selected to examine learning of students that were taught through life education and traditional method in physical education. Interview method was used to collect students’ interpersonal relationship, communication skills and team work skill. There were ninety-nine primary four students in one of primary school in Macau involved in this experimental work. The experimental class lasted for three weeks with six modular learning sections on life education. The data indicated that the P-value was greater than 0.05 for both classes from experimental and control group. For that it might indicate the “no differences” between students in experimental class and traditional class in the development of interpersonal relationship. However, student’s performance in interpersonal skill for the experimental classes was greater in the average scores than the control group. It was also similar in communication skill and team work. The research indicated the best performance in experimental class in team work development but not in other skill development. There was no obvious distinction in physical skills test and scores of (P>0.05) was recorded. v The research indicated a conclusion as below: (1) The current research did not indicate a strong impact of life education into physical education at upper primary school students in the development of interpersonal, communicational and team work skill. No significant differences were found between the experimental and control group. The main reasons may relate to the short period of time for the experimental education. (2) The practice time for experimental class students was less than the class taught by traditional method. The less of learning time did not reduce their motivation in learning. For that reason, it was difficult to have clear relationship on performance in physical education for students in the two groups. This research suggests that Macau education department should place suitable investigation on life education and have guideline on the teaching. It helps to motivate schools and teachers to have the participation on teaching with life education and place experiments on teaching content, time, theme, continuity in learning and gender differences.

Chinese Abstract

生命教育倡導個人在成長過程中對生命價值的看法,而傳統的學科學習著重 知識的傳授,缺乏了生命中的其他環節,本研究旨在了解生命教育如何融入高小 學生體育課中從而影響人際關係發展,而本研究採用準實驗研究法,將對照班接 受傳統體育課程與實驗班進行生命教育融合體育課程學生進行比較,觀察學生在 人際關係、溝通能力、團體合作及體育成績上的差異和變化;研究方式主要通過 問卷前後測、學生個別訪談及課堂分析比較來分析及蒐集研究數據。 本研究主要對象為澳門某學校小學四年級學生,共 99 人,進行為期三周, 共六節實驗課程。經過實驗課前對學生進行問卷前測、實驗課後問卷後測、實驗 班學生個別訪談及實驗課堂觀察及分析學生表現等四研究階段進行研究, 有關 數據資料經分析及討論後,在人際關係方面實驗班和對照班之間 P 值約大於 0.05,並無顯著差異,但從平均分上來看,實驗組在經過實驗課程後,在人際關 係上確有所提升;而在溝通能力和團體合作方面,實驗班和對照組在分析數據後 P 值均大於 0.05,表示實驗組和對照組在這兩方面都無太大差異性,而轉為平均 分來比較後,發現除其中一組實驗組在圑體合作能力上稍有上升,其他層面約出 現下降現象;在體育技能成績及課程參與度層面上,經過實驗班及對照班比較數 據分析 (P>0.05) ,加上面談訪問及課堂檢討的質性分析後得出,實驗組和對照 組在體育技能成績及課程參與度上並無顯著差異;因此得出研究結論:1.生命教 育融入體育課對提升高小學生提升「人際關係」、「溝通能力」及「團體合作能力」 並沒有具太大影響,其原因可能與實驗教學時間較短,加上學生溝通技巧及學生 男女分組情況並不明確有關。2.從研究中發現,體育課一直都是受學生歡迎的學 科之一,在研究過程中雖然實驗組學生在練習時間上比對照組學生少,但其練習 動機較強,故此接受傳統體育課程與生命教育融入體育課程之學生,在「體育技 能成績」和「課程參與度」雖無太大差異,但在教學程序及人際互動方面存在差 異,這種教學校模式是否較傳統技能教學法優勝,還有待進一步觀察。 因此,本研究建議澳門教育當局能就生命教育制定一套具澳門教育特色的生 命教育教學指引,讓更多學校能更有效地對生命教育如何融入教學中進行觀察, 並且就生命教育專設部門跟進開展情況,並增加及加強培訓有關方面的專業人 iii 才,以致能就生命教育提供更多實驗機會,了解其教學內容,以致時間、主題、 連續性等議題對學習,以及男女性別差異等影響。

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Faculty of Education




Life -- Study and teaching (Middle school)

人生 -- 學習及教學 (高級小學至初級中學)

Conduct of life -- Study and teaching (Middle school)

修養 -- 學習及教學 (高級小學至初級中學)

Teaching -- Aids and devices

教學 -- 輔助物及器具

Physical education for children -- Macau

兒童的體能教育 -- 澳門



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