
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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從 PISA 2009 評核框架和課程改革成效角度分析上海學生之閱讀素養表現

English Abstract

The present study has reviewed the research results of reading cognitive components local and worldwide, as well as the international reading assessment frameworks so as to arrive at a coding scheme of the reading cognitive components. Then, through the use of cognitive component and multiple regression analyses, the difficulty of the PISA 2009 reading released items is explained to a great extent. The usability of the coding scheme upon the assessment framework is thus confirmed. In addition, the present study makes use of descriptive statistics and percentile comparisons to analyze the characteristics and constituent components of reading literacy performance. Finally, based on the curriculum standard documents in the second phase of the Shanghai curriculum reform, as well as the student responses in the PISA 2009 student questionnaire, this study examines the reasons behind Shanghai’s high performance, as well as the weaknesses due for school and student improvement. Implications of the study and recommendations touch on such topics as reading policies, curriculum design and implementation, and assessment. The conclusions of the present study are as follows. First, the coding scheme of the reading cognitive components can explain 62.3% of the difficulty variance of the PISA 2009 released items. The two cognitive components “Access and Retrieve” and “Integrate and Interpret” can explain a significant proportion of the difficulty variance. Second, one prominent reason why Shanghai students rank top in the league table of reading performance is that their low-performing students are not that low-performing at all. Third, the two main weaknesses of Shanghai’s reading performance are that their high-performers are not much higher than that of other high-performing economies, and their performance across cognitive components and formats of reading text are not equally developed. Fourth, it is discovered that there is certain relationships between Shanghai’s reading performance and the rationales underlying the second phase of Shanghai’s curriculum reform.

Chinese Abstract

本研究梳理了目前中外主要的閱讀認知成份研究成果,以及國際閱讀素養測試 評核框架,從而制訂閱讀認知成份編碼框架。繼而,運用認知成份分析法以及多元回 歸,分析此框架對 PISA 2009 閱讀公開題難度的解釋力,從而檢驗此閱讀認知成份框 架的適用性。此外,本研究運用描述性統計、百分位數比較等方法,分析上海學生 PISA 2009 閱讀素養的內涵及特徵。然後,以上海二次課程改革中的《課程標準》等 文件,並輔以上海 PISA 2009 學生問卷填答情況,探究上海閱讀素養表現優異的原因 以及可進一步完善之處。基於上述發現,本研究向為教育者就閱讀政策、課程設計與 實施、評核提供適切的建議。 本研究有以下結論:(一)本研究提出的閱讀認知成份框架可解釋 PISA 2009 閱 讀測試難度 62.3%;其中,“提取資訊”和“整合與詮釋”這兩個閱讀認知成份可以 顯著地預測 PISA 2009 閱讀公開題的難度變異。(二)上海學生 PISA 2009 的閱讀素 養在所有參與國家或地區中排名第一的特徵主要為:學生的低分段閱讀成績起點比較 高。(三)上海學生閱讀素養“第一”光環下仍有一些不足,比如上海學生閱讀高分 段的優勢不明顯;上海學生在 PISA 2009 閱讀認知成份發展、閱讀文本類型發展不均 衡。(四)上海二次課程改革《課程標準》理念與上海 PISA 2009 閱讀素養表現有一 定關係。

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Faculty of Education




Reading (Elementary) -- Shanghai

閱讀 (小學) -- 上海

Curriculum change -- Shanghai

課程改革 -- 上海



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