
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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山蒟化學成分的初步研究 / a preliminary chemical study on Piper hancei Maxim / by Lei Hai-peng.

English Abstract

Piper hancei Mixim is a Chinese herb of Piperaceae, which grows in forests or climbs on trees or rocks. It is distributed throughout Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, South Guizhou and Yunnan. P. hancei is used for wind-cold-wetness types of arthralgia, gastralgia, algomenorrhea, injuries from falls, coughing due to wind-cold evil, and hernia pain in "Chinese Materia Medica. In recent years, P. hancei extracts have been used in pharmacology areas shch as anti-platelet aggregation, anti-inflammatory and analgesia, but not α-glucosidase inhibitors. However, the study showed those alkaloids, flavonoids, lignans and other chemical components, which were isolated and purified from piper, can inhibit α-glucosidase. In addition, piper hancei is often a substitute for Piper kadsura (Choisy) Ohwi or Piper puberulum (Benth.) in clinical. Accordingly, our group chose P. hancei for chemical study by Modern separation and purification technology. Then we developed a method to analyse the main chemical components for P. hancei, Piper kadsura and Piper puberulum. Furthermore, we screen for α-glucosidase inhibitor from the main compounds in order to explore potential bioactive from P. hancei. This thesis consists of four chapters. In chapter (I), the research background, chemical constituents, and pharmacological studies have been reviewed. In Chapter (II) showed chemical research in P. hancei, In order to investigate the bioactive compounds in P. hancei; the chemical constituents were isolated and purified by means of chromatographic techniques using silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 and preparative RP-HPLC. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of physicochemical properties and spectral analysis. As a result, seven compounds were isolated and identified as 4-allylpyrocatechol (I), piperlonguminine (II), d-sesamin (III), β-sitosterol (IV), pellitorine (V), piperolactam A (VI) and piperolactamD (VII), respectively. It was concluded that compound I, III, VI and VII are isolated from this plant for the first time. In Chapter III, The HPLC analysis method was established IX on the main components of P. hancei in order to provide more evidence for piper hancei, which is instead of P. kadsura and P. puberulum in clinical medication. In ChapterIV, compounds were screen for α-glucosidase inhibitor. Fortunately, 4-allylpyrocatechol had the strongest an α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, showing IC50 at 10.22 μg·mL-1 In this study, chemical constituents, quality control, fingerprint comparison and activity screening have been researched, and may provide scientific evidence for P. hancei.

Chinese Abstract

山蒟 Piper hancei Maxim.是胡椒科胡椒屬植物,廣泛分布于我國浙江、福建、 廣東等南部省區,其莖葉和根在廣東、廣西等地用作民間草藥,有祛風除濕、活 血消腫、行氣止痛、化痰止咳等功效,用于治療風濕痹痛、胃痛、痛經、跌打損 傷、風寒咳喘、疝氣痛等。山蒟藤莖也常作爲中藥海風藤、石楠藤的代用品在市 場上流通使用。此外,山蒟作爲一種美觀的常綠藤本植物,攀緣力强,長勢快, 還具有較高的園林綠化價值。研究表明山蒟主要含有醯胺類生物鹼、木脂素等化 學成分。 爲了合理開發利用山蒟植物資源,我們對海南産的山蒟藤莖進行了化學成分 分離與結構鑒定研究。以其主要成分爲指標,建立了山蒟的 HPLC 指紋圖譜和含 量測定分析方法,幷與海風藤、石楠藤等近緣品種進行了比較分析。此外,我們 對山蒟提取物及主要成分進行了 α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制劑的篩選,發現了活性較好的 化合物。這些結果爲山蒟的資源利用、質量評價等提供了依據。 本論文分爲四章,第一章爲文獻綜述,對山蒟的化學成分、藥理活性、質量 評價方法進行了較詳細的總結。第二章爲山蒟化學成分研究,。爲探索山蒟的活 性物質基礎,本課題對山蒟進行化學成分的分離、純化和結構鑒定。采用矽膠、 Sephadex LH-20 及製備型 HPLC 對山蒟藤莖的化學成分進行分離純化,從中得到 7 個化合物,幷通過氫譜、碳譜和質譜等光譜信息進行結構鑒定,其結果分別爲 4-烯丙基兒茶酚 (I)、蓽菝明寧碱 (II)、d-芝麻素 (III)、β-穀甾醇 (IV)、墻草碱 (V)、 胡椒內醯胺 A (VI)和胡椒內醯胺 D(VII)。化合物 I、III、VI、VII 爲首次從該 VII 植物中分離得到。 第三章對山蒟主要成分建立 HPLC 分析方法,對山蒟、海風藤和石楠藤藥材 進行含量測定和化學成分的分析。第四章對山蒟提取物及主要成分以 4-硝基苯基 -α-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(PNPG)爲底物的酶抑制劑篩選模型進行 α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制劑 的篩選,發現 4-烯丙基兒茶酚具有很好的抑制作用,其 IC50 爲 10.22μg/ml。本課 題組對山蒟進行化學分離、質量控制,指紋圖譜比較和活性篩選進行的研究,爲 山蒟之後的研究提供科學依據。

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Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences




Medicinal plants -- China -- Analysis

藥用植物 -- 中國 -- 化學分析



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