UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
澳門刑事預審制度研究 = Study on the preliminary hearing system in Macau
- English Abstract
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Preliminary Hearing Procedure is an important pre-trial procedure of the complete criminal procedure. That procedure helps to promote criminal proceedings and improve the efficiency of the action. The meaning of Preliminary Hearing Procedure, there is a distinction between the broad terms and the narrow terms. Point out by the Professor Bernard Bouloc, the broad terms of preliminary hearing means, in order to make the determination by the trial judge, base on the evidence which is searched and presented at the pre-trial period. Narrow terms means, the preliminary judge is given extensive powers that to investigate, task to search all the information which helps to discover the truth. Because of the institutional deficiencies, the continuous development of prosecutor’s professionalization and increasing pressure of crimes, the preliminary hearing system has encountered many problems, especially has shown to restrict the judicial efficiency and grow backlog of long-pending criminal cases. Therefore, it is necessary for us to catch the chance of modifying the criminal processing code, make a systematic and deep research on Preliminary hearing system. This thesis is claims that the broad terms of Preliminary Hearing System. Base on the Consultation Conclusion Report on Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure of Macau, we would discuss about the Preliminary Hearing System should maintain or abolish and the Prosecutors can be given the extra power toward the criminal coercive measures at the investigation procedure. Depend on the research of the background of Preliminary Hearing System, introducing of Preliminary Hearing System of mostly countries and regions in the world and examining the Preliminary Hearing System in Macau, the thesis summarizes the relationship between the Preliminary Hearing System and the Prosecution System. Where after, the thesis moves forward to probe into the development of the criminal procedure reform and come up with the helpful advice about to improve the Preliminary Hearing System. The thesis is composed of three parts: the preface, the text and the conclusion. The text is including four chapters. The first chapter analyzes the concept, introduced the history and the function of Preliminary Hearing Procedure. The second chapter is presentation the historical evolution situation of the Preliminary Hearing Procedure in foreign countries and Macau. The third chapter is investigated about the relationship between the Preliminary Hearing System and the Prosecution System. This chapter discusses the present conditions and introspects of the Preliminary Hearing System. Think about the influence of the highly development of prosecutor’s status, the clear weakening trend of the Preliminary Hearing System. It has important inspiration and reference on considering the reform direction and value of the Preliminary Hearing System in Macau. The fourth chapter is by analyzing the implementation of the operation mechanism of the system, the author further brings forward the measures for perfecting the exception system of Preliminary Hearing of Macau.
- Chinese Abstract
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預審作為庭審前的一項司法制度,是整個刑事訴訟過程中的重要一環,而預 審制度設置亦很大程度影響着庭審的推進和結果。 預審可分為廣義和狹義兩種形式。根據貝爾納‧布洛克著的《法國刑事訴訟 法》教材中的定義:“從廣義上看,法院開庭之前的預審是指,查找與搜集將要 向審判法官提出的證據,以便審判法官能夠作出判決。狹義的預審是指:預審法 官依據法律賦予的特別權力進行的(正式)偵查,目的在於提供可以最準確了解 (犯罪)事實真相的全部材料。” 由於預審制度本身的不完善,加上預審法官的定位不明確,檢察院的偵查領 導權、指揮權及控訴權備受過度的制約及分割,在此種種問題影響下,使預審制 度被詬病為導致司法效率遲緩、刑事案件大量的積壓的原因之一。為此,本文藉 以《澳門刑事訴訟法典》再修改的契機,對預審制度進行深入的研究,並探討當 中存在的問題及提出完善的建議。 本文主要以廣義的預審制度出發,圍繞澳門《刑事訴訟改革總結報告》修訂 文本中,對於有關預審制度存廢及檢察院是否有權行使強制措施決定權之爭議作 出討論。分析預審制度的產生背景,介紹外國的預審制度的內容及發展,在認識 現行澳門預審制度的過程中,進而探討預審制度與檢察制度之間的制衡關係,並 以符合現時刑訴法的發展步伐,提出改革預審制度的建議。 本論文共分為前言、正文及結論三個部分,其中正文分為四章進行論述。第 一章主要對刑事預審制度的概念、歷史及功能作介紹。第二章主要介紹外國及澳 門刑事預審制度的概況,包括對外國的刑事預審制度作介紹,敍述澳門刑事預審 制度產生的歷史背景、發展現狀,現行制度具體是如何規定及運作,並分析外國 及澳門預審制度的改革現況。第三章將研究為完善預審制度的改革基礎,清晰預 審制度與檢察制度之間牽扯的關係,分析在權力行使與權力制約之間的運作,更 清楚地明確設立預審制度背後的意義,討論在既實現程序的效率的同時,又要滿 足保障人權的要求下,繼續實行預審制度是否改革唯一的出路,並檢討檢察制度 經歷時代的洗禮,檢察官的地位越顯重要,且在其他大陸法系國家積極擴張檢察 權來實現社會大眾對訴訟公正及訴訟經濟的需求,對現行刑事訴訟改革帶來的積 極意義。第四章主要提出具可行性的構想及完善預審制度的具體改革建議。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Law
- Degree
- Subject
Pre-trial procedure -- Macau
審訊前程序 -- 澳門
Criminal procedure -- Macau
刑事訴訟法 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991005287639706306