
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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ADR的實效性研究 = The effectiveness of ADR

English Abstract

ADR, is a mechanism to solve the dispute besides litigation. The emergence of ADR can not only let the existed rights and obligations under abidance but also avoid the deadlock of lawsuit. It aims to realize the "Win-Win" situation, to achieve the goal from confrontation to negotiation and from simplification to diversification. But our country is getting along with the social transition period at present, the quantity and complexity of dispute is on the rise. This passage is attempt to do some research on the effectiveness of ADR, try to find some factors which affect the effectiveness of ADR and make some good advice to improve the development of ADR mechanism in our country. The article is composed of four parts: The first part supports the fundamental theory by mainly focusing on introducing the overview of ADR including concept, type and value. Finally, I propose some advice on the ability to solve the dispute, social effects, cost, client's satisfaction on the effectiveness of ADR. The second part is to analyze the Marco factor which affect the effectiveness of ADR. This chapter introduce the shortage of ADR and the influence on the rationality structure of ADR through other foreign countries. The third part is to analyze the effectiveness of ADR in China. This chapter include the methods of negotiations in China, mediate, arbitration. And finally provide the mediation arbitration mixed experimental model. The fourth part is to take some good advice to ensure the effectiveness of ADR in China. The first is perfect the ADR procedures by establishing the legislation. The second is through the judicial practice and the experience of court.

Chinese Abstract

ADR 作为诉讼之外的另一个纠纷解决机制,它的产生既可使既存权利义务和 社会规范得到遵守,又避免了诉讼所造成的僵化,反映着时代理念和精神的变化 ——从对抗走向对话协商,从单赢走向双赢,从单一价值走向多元化。目前我国 正处于社会转型期,纠纷的数量和纠纷的复杂程度一直处于逐步上升的趋势,而 本论文的目的在于研究 ADR 的实效性,寻找影响 ADR 实效性的相关因素,为我 国 ADR 的发展提出完善建议。文章由四部分组成: 第一章,ADR 概述,本章介绍了 ADR 的概念、种类和价值,最后对 ADR 实效性提出了从纠纷解决能力、社会效果、代价以及当事人满意程度四个方面进 行评价。 第二章,影响 ADR 实效性之宏观因素,本章介绍了影响 ADR 实效性的宏观 因素,主要有:ADR 的自身缺陷,各国传统法律文化对 ADR 的影响以及 ADR 机构设置的合理性。 第三章,ADR 实效性之微观探析,本章介绍了内地谈判、调解、仲裁各自的 实效性和影响实效性因素以及解决方式,最后提出了调解——仲裁的混合实验模 型。 第四章,确保 ADR 实效性之建议,本章提出了两种确保实效性的建议,第 一种是通过立法建立、规范 ADR 程序;第二种是通过司法实践和法院规则进行 试验或试点,逐步积累经验,不断完善,形成规范的制度。

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Faculty of Law




Dispute resolution (Law)

糾紛解決 (法律)

Dispute resolution (Law) -- China

糾紛解決 (法律) -- 中國

Arbitration and award

仲裁; 商務仲裁; 仲裁法規

Arbitration and award -- China

仲裁; 商務仲裁; 仲裁法規 -- 中國



Mediation -- China

調解 -- 中國



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