UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship among Macao middle school basketball coach leadership behavior, coach leadership behavior perceived by athletes, and the degree of athletes’ satisfaction on basketball training. A quantitative research method is carried out in this study; namely, a questionnaire was developed with the composition of “Questionnaire on Basketball Coach Leadership Behavior in the Middle School of Macao” (r = .71 and v = .62), “Questionnaire on the Coach Leadership Behavior perceived by Athletes” (r= .79 and v = .64) and “Questionnaire on the Degree of Athletes’ Satisfaction on Basketball Training” (r = .87 and v = .62). In this study, the target participants involve 50 male coaches of the Macao School Games (n=50) and 313 male basketball players in the Macao School Games (n=313). SPSS for Windows 12.0 is used to analyze initial retrieved data. In addition, other research methods such as descriptive statistics, factor analysis, independent samples ttest, Scheffe’s method and one-way repeated measure ANOVA were employed in this study as well. The findings from the study were 1) The scores rating from high to low of five traits from athlete perceived coach leadership behavior in Macao middle school was different from the self-assessment of coach leadership behavior. The scores rating from high to low from the former group were “Democratic Behavior”, “Social Support Behavior”, “Training and Instruction”, “Autocratic Behavior” and “Positive Feedback”; while the scores rating from high to low from the latter were “Autocratic Behavior”, “Democratic Behavior”, “Training and Instruction”, “Positive Feedback” and “Social Support Behavior”, it was found that the score rating on the autocratic behavior among these two groups shown significant difference. The scores rating from high to low of respective three traits of degree of athlete’s satisfaction on basketball training were “Outline of Training”, “Coach Leadership” and “Training Performance”. It was observed from scores that the athletes satisfied the most in the outline v of training, and it was not met the expectation on the training performance. 2) Athlete perceived coach leadership behavior in Macao middle school in different background variables shown significant differences, those athletes studied in higher level in the middle school as well as the shorter training time on basketball, the significance in the “Autocratic Behavior” is higher, while the better of personal performance in basketball, the significance in “Social Support Behavior” is higher. 3) The basketball training satisfaction of Macao middle school basketball athletes shown significant differences in different background variables except the variable of “Personal best result”. Those athletes study in higher level in the middle school as well as the less basketball training hours, the significance in “Coach Leadership” is higher; while the shorter training year of basketball, small number of training years and days, the significance in “Outline of Training” is higher. 4) Macao middle school basketball coach leadership behavior in different background variables “gender”, “age”, “academic qualification”, “being a physical education teacher or not”, “training days on weekly basis” and “the coaching of best results” shown significant differences, the elder coach as well as the better results of coaching team and more part time coached team, the significance in “Autocratic Behavior” is higher; while the less academic qualification as well as more training days, the significance in “Positive Feedback” is higher. Other background variables such as “the actual teaching tenure”, “seniority of the coach”, “training hours on daily basis” and “accumulation of coached teams” shown no significant differences. 5) Athlete perceived coach leadership behavior in Macao middle school and all traits in satisfaction on training shown a significant positive correlation, it was found that higher correlation between “Democratic Behavior” and “Coach Leadership”, and lower coorelation between “Training and Instruction” and “Training Performance”.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究主要是探討澳門中學籃球教練領導行為、籃球員知覺教練領導行為與訓練 满意度之間的關係。 採用問卷調查法,分別以「澳門中學籃球教練領導行為量表」(信 度、效度為.71 及.62)、「澳門中學籃球知覺教練領導行為量表」(信度、效度為.79 及.64)和「訓練满意度量表」(信度、效度為.87 及.62)作為研究工具,澳門學界男子教 練 50 人與球員 313 人作為研究對象,收集結果以 SPSS for windows 12.0 版進行統計分 析,以描述性統計、因素分析、獨立樣本 t 檢驗、雪費法進行事後比較及重複量數單 因子變異數分析等進行分析和討論。 研究結果發現:一、澳門中學籃球員知覺與教練自評教練領導行為中,五個特質的 得分高低情況略有區別。澳門中學籃球員知覺得分高低依次是「民主行為」、「關懷 行為」、「訓練與指導」、「專制行為」和「鼓勵行為」;澳門中學籃球教練自評得 分高低依次是「專制行為」、「民主行為」、「訓練與指導」、「鼓勵行為」和「關 懷行為」,從兩者得分情況可以看到,在專制行為中教練自評其表現與球員知覺的感 受程度有明顯差距。澳門中學籃球員訓練满意度三個層面的得分高低依次是「訓練內 容」、「教練領導」和「成績表現」。從得分情況可以看到,球員在訓練內容最為满 意,而在成績表現中未如理想。二、澳門中學籃球員知覺教練領導行為在不同背景變 項中皆有顯著差異,其中年級越高、接觸籃球時間和訓練時間越短,在「專制行為」 中顯著性越高;而個人成績越好,在「關懷行為」中顯著性越高。三、澳門中學籃球 員訓練满意度除「個人最好成績」外,其餘有顯著差異,其中年級越高、訓練時數越 短,在「教練領導」中顯著性越高;而接觸籃球年數越短、訓練年數和天數越短,在 「訓練內容」中顯著性越高。四、澳門中學籃球教練領導行為在不同背景變項中「性 別」、「年齡」、「學歷」、「是否體育教師」、「每週訓練天數」和「所帶球隊最 iii 好成績」皆有不同程度的顯著差異,其中年齡越大、取得成績越好和兼任球隊教練數 目越多,在「專制行為」中顯著性越高;而學歷越低、訓練天數越多,在「鼓勵行為」 中顯著性越高。「體育教師任教年資」、「教練年資」、「每天練習時數」和「兼任 球隊數目」則沒有顯著差異。五、澳門中學籃球員知覺教練領導行為與訓練满意度各 特質皆呈顯著正相關,「民主行為」與「教練領導」中相關度較高,而「訓練與指導」 與「成績表現」的相關度較低。
- Issue date
- Author
Wong, Ka Hou
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Basketball coaches -- Macau
籃球教練 -- 澳門
Basketball players -- Macau
籃球運動員 -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991005188419706306