UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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The retirement of elite athletes is one of the popular research topics. However, the study of lifestyle and the Quality of Life (QOL) of retired athletes are rarely seen. This study was performed to determine the correlations and differences between satisfaction in recreational exercise and quality of life in Macao retired elite athletes under various background factors (gender, age, retirement period, education). 146 retired elite Macanese athletes from the 2001, 2005, and 2009 East Asian Games were investigated for this study. Of the initial number of retired athletes (269 athletes), 146 retired athletes were regarded as 54.28% of the whole population. Participants for this research consisted of 105 males (72%) and 41 females (28%). Investigation tools used in this study included the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Taiwan Show Card Version (IPAQ-SC), Perceived Exercise Benefits and Barriers Assessment, Satisfaction in Recreational Exercise Assessment, and The World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-BREF). In conclusion, it was found that (A) 84.2% Macao retired elite athletes continued to participate in recreational sports, and they mainly recreational sports participate in running, football, cycling, basketball, swimming and gymnastics. (B) People below 30 ages, barriers in perceived exercise aspects were higher than 31 or above. Highly educated people are having better quality of life in physiological dimension, and they tend to agree with the educational function of the satisfaction in recreational exercise, and their background causes no affection on the benefits in perceived exercise. (C) Male retired elite athletes’ participants in high-intensity physical activity trend to be higher iv than that of female. Participants in high-intensity activity score better than participants in moderate-intensity activity in the physiological dimension of satisfaction levels of recreational sports. And participants in low-intensity activity obtain significantly higher score for barriers in perceived exercise than participants in high-intensity activity. (D) High correlation was found between the facets of satisfaction recreational sports and the facets of QOL .The benefits and barriers in perceived exercise exist low negative correlation. (E) Low correlations were found between satisfaction of recreational sports and QOL. Meanwhile, there is low correlation between the satisfaction in recreational sports and benefits of the perceived exercise, but no correlation with the barriers in the perceived exercise. It shows the elite retired athletes in Macao that raising the satisfaction of recreational sports can also raise their QOL in certain extent.
- Chinese Abstract
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精英運動員的退役是一個熱門研究課題,然而退役運動員生活模式及生活品 質的研究卻很少見到。本研究旨 在探討 不 同背景因 素下( 性別、年齡、退 役時間、受 教育程 度 )的澳 門退役 精英運 動員休閒 運動滿 意度與 生活品 質的差異 及其相 關情形 。 研究以問卷調查法實施,共調查了 146 名參與 2001 年、2005 年或 2009 年東 亞運動會的澳門代表隊退役運動員,調查樣本佔全體退役樣本的 54.28%。研究 結果發現 :(一)澳門退役精英運動員休閒運動參與率為 84.2%,主要參與項目 有跑步、足球、單車、籃球、游泳、健身等;休閒運動滿意度、知覺運動利益及 生活品質得分均在一般水準之上;參與休閒運動與否不影響休閒運動滿意度、知 覺運動利益及障礙因素、生活品質。(二)30 歲以下者知覺運動障礙高於 31 歲及 以上者,受教育程度高者在生理向度上有較高的生活品質,也傾向認同休閒運動 滿意度之教育功能,背景因素對知覺運動利益無影響。(三)、男性從事高身體活 動量者趨向於高於女性,高身 體活動 量者之 生理向度 的休閒 滿意度 得分有 高於中等身體活動量者的趨勢,低身體活動量者知覺運動障礙因素得 分明顯高 於高身 體活動 量者。(四)休閒運動滿意度各向度之間、生活品質各 向度之間均存在中高度的正相關,知覺運動利益與障礙存在低度負相關。(五)休 閒運動滿意度與生活品質呈低度正相關,與知覺運動利益亦呈低度正相關,但與 知覺運動障礙無關。結果提示:提升澳門退役精英運動員休閒運動的滿意度在一 定程度上可提升其生活品質。
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- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Athletes -- Macau -- Retirement
運動員 -- 澳門 -- 退休
Athletes -- Macau
運動員 -- 澳門
Leisure -- Macau
休閒 -- 澳門
Quality of life -- Macau
生活質素 -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991005186829706306