UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
港澳台及外國企業在橫琴新區直接投資的法律問題研究 = A study on direct investment of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign enterprises in Hengqin
- English Abstract
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In recent years Hengqin’s development has become one of the topics of hot spots, all professionals have received extensive attention. August 2009 the State Council officially approved the implementation of the ‘Hengqin overall development plan’, the formal development of the Zhuhai Hengqin rise to a national development strategy. Subsequently, in July 2011, ‘the State Council Zhuhai Hengqin development of relevant policies’ makes an official reply, said:" The implementation of special preferential policies in Zhuhai Hengqin will be more than those in the Special Economic Zone, including the 'establishment of a special customs clearance management system', 'implementation of special tax and financial policies'. The problems relating to the development of Hengqin had been mentioned two times in this year's government work report. This government action shows that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the development process of Hengqin. We believe if Hengqin’s development is very successful, that will bring transformational impact on the economic structure of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and the whole Pearl River Delta. Hengqin want to implement more preferential treatment than in the special economic zones, so as to reach the better to attract direct investment from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other foreign countries. First of all, we must reform the legal system, and then the system will be implemented from the top to down. I believe that the main form of direct investment in Hengqin, which is from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other foreign countries, is the joint venture. So this thesis will focus on writing the establishment of joint venture in Hengqin. This thesis is divided into four chapters; each chapter will combine theory study, practice visits and policy recommendations. ChapterⅠis ‘Introduction section’, which is divided into three parts, including ‘the origin of the problem’, ‘study the status and significance’, ‘the studying methods and structures’. ChapterⅡ is about the direct investment. This chapter is divided into three. Section I of the contract framework, I will base on the Company Law in Mainland China, the problem of financing and technology transfer to research. The second section is to explore the joint venture operations and the risk aversion, this part mainly related to the investment environment, legal environment, and political risk and foreign exchange risks. The third section is about the tax policy. The full text of Chapter IV is about the international investment disputes. I also design the Chapter three: the first is a general overview of International Investment Disputes, Section II to study issues related to the ICSID dispute settlement mechanism, the last third section illustrates the applicable of international direct investment dispute settlement mechanism in Hengqin. Finally, I will do the summary of the whole thesis and get the conclusion.
- Chinese Abstract
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近年來“橫琴開發”已成為熱點的議題之一,被各界專業人士所廣泛關注。2009 年 8 月國務院正式批准實施《橫琴總體發展規劃》,使得對珠海橫琴的開發正式上升為國家發展 戰略。隨後在 2011 年 7 月,國務院對珠海橫琴開發有關政策作出批復,稱:“同意珠海橫 琴實行比經濟特區更加特殊的優惠政策,其中包括‘建立特殊的通關管理制度’,‘實施 特殊稅收金融政策’,‘實行特殊的產業政策’,‘賦予特殊的審批管理權限’。”而在 今年在兩會的政府工作報告中,“有關橫琴開發的問題”又一次的被寫入其中。可見中國 政府十分重視橫琴的開發進程,橫琴新區的成功開發將會給粵港澳乃至整個珠江三角洲的 經濟格局帶來變革性的影響。若橫琴新區想要实施比經濟特區更加特殊的優惠政策,從而 使其達到更好的吸引港澳台及外商的直接投資,就必須首先在法律層面進行改革,繼而完 成從上而下的滲透落實工作。筆者認為港澳台及外商對橫琴新區進行直接投資的主要形式 是以建立合資企業為主,因此該內容將作為本文的重點寫作部分。 本文的整體結構安排為緒論,本論,結論三大部分。總共四大章,本文的每一章節都 將結合理論研究、實踐考察和政策建議三方面相的內容進行研究。具體來說本文的章節安 排如下:第一章“緒論”部分主要分為“問題的由來”、“研究的現狀與意義”、“研究 的方法與結構”三節進行論述。第二章為“直接投資的目的及其特殊性”,本章分為三節, 第一節是對“合同架構問題的研究”,筆者將以《公司法》,融資問題以及技術轉讓與使用 作為該節的三大切入點。第二節是對“合資企業運營中的風險及規避問題”進行探討,主 要涉及投資環境、法律環境、政治風險以及外匯風險四方面的內容。而第三節則是“稅務 法律問題的研究”,該節主要探討的問題有中國內地徵稅標準、港澳台徵稅標準、避免雙 重徵稅、橫琴新區的徵稅標準。全文的第四章是對“國際投資爭端解決方法在橫琴的適用” 進行研究。筆者也將該章設計為三節:第一節是對“國際投資爭端的一般概述”,第二節 是對 ICSID 爭端解決機制相關問題進行研究,最後第三節將闡析“國際直接投資爭端解決 機制在橫琴的適用”。最后,结论部分将对前文论述部分作出总结并得出结论。筆者寫作 此文所欲達到的目的是:希望通過對上述問題的研究,來為現今仍處於留白狀態的橫琴投 資法律架構提出相應的設計方案。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Law
- Degree
- Subject
Investments, Hong Kong -- Law and legislation -- China -- Hengqin (Kuang Tung Province)
香港資金投資 -- 法規 -- 中國 -- 橫琴 (廣東省)
Investments, Taiwan -- Law and legislation -- China -- Hengqin (Kuang Tung Province)
台灣資金投資 -- 法規 -- 中國 -- 橫琴 (廣東省)
Investments, Foreign -- Law and legislation -- China -- Hengqin (Kuang Tung Province)
外來投資 -- 法規 -- 中國 -- 橫琴 (廣東省)
Joint ventures -- Law and legislation -- China
合資企業 -- 法規 -- 中國
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991004891799706306