UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
澳門初中學生學校歸屬感對學業成就之影響 : 以學業情緒為中介
- English Abstract
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In the 443 Macau junior students samples of the present study, the relationship between the school belonging, academic emotions and academic achievement of junior high school students in Macau were investigated by the Chinese version of the PSSM scale ( Psychological Sense of School Membership) developed by Hong Kong researchers Hoi Yan Cheung and Sammy King Fai Hui(2003), and the Adolescent’s Academic Emotions scale developed by Dong Yan and Yu Guoliang in China. The conclusions of this study were summarized as follows: 1. In general, the average of school belonging of junior high school students in Macau was 3.25. Students’ belonging (M = 3.23) was stronger than rejection (M = 2.68). 2. Students experienced multiple academic emotions, e.g. hope was the strongest (M = 3.79), followed by joy (M = 3.77), anxiety (M = 3.56), anger (M = 3.52), frustration (M = 3.5), calm (M = 3.38), pride (M = 3.13) and shame (M = 3.13). 3. No statistically significant difference was found between male and female students’ school belonging. Only “hope” was differed between males and females. It showed that female students experienced higher hope than the male. 4. Form1 students had a higher school belonging than form2 and form3 students, and they felt less rejection and negative academic emotions. However, there wasn’t difference in positive academic emotions between form1 to form 3. 5. The school belonging significantly predicted the 13 academic emotions─ belonging positively predicted the positive academic emotions. Except for the frustration, rejection positively predicted the negative academic emotions. 6. Most of the academic emotions predicted the academic achievement. 24.8% of variance can be explained by academic achievement. 7. School rejection, negative academic emotions and positive academic emotions predicted the academic achievement 8. According to the mediation analysis, academic emotion served as a mediator between school belonging and academic achievement─academic emotion “hope, satisfaction, shame and anger” mediated the relationship between school rejection and academic achievement.
- Chinese Abstract
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研究主要調查澳門初中學生的學校歸屬感及學業情緒的情況,以及兩者 對學業成就的影響,並且探討學業情緒在學校歸屬感及學業成就之間的中介 作用。本研究以 443 名本澳正規教育的初中學生為對象,以香港學者 Hoi Yan Cheung 和 Sammy King Fai Hui(2003)翻譯修訂定的《學校歸屬感量表》中文 版,以及國內學者董妍與俞國良(2007)編制的《青少年學業情緒問卷》為主 要的研究工具。具體研究結果如下: 一. 本澳初中學生的學校歸屬感之整體得分為 3.25,相對於學校抗拒感(M = 2.68),學生有較高之學校歸屬感(M = 3.23)。 二. 本澳初中學生的學業情緒較多樣化,其中達 3 分以上有:希望為最高(M = 3.79),其次為高興(M = 3.77),其餘依次序為焦慮(M = 3.56)、生氣(M = 3.52)、 沮喪(M = 3.5)、平靜(M = 3.38)、自豪(M = 3.13)、羞愧(M = 3.13)。 三. 性別方面:男女學生之整體學校歸屬感沒有顯著差異;而學業情緒則只 有希望存在性別差異,表現為女生比男生有較高的希望情緒。 四. 年級方面:初一級相對於初二及初三級的學生,有較高的學校歸屬感, 並且有較低的學校抗拒感及消極的學業情緒,而積極的學業情緒則不存 在年級差異。 五. 學校歸屬感對 13 種學業情緒的預測力均達到顯著的水準。其中,學校歸 屬感對積極學業情緒有正向的預測;而除了沮喪外,學校抗拒感對消極 澳門初中學生學校歸屬感對學業成就之影響-以學業情緒為中介 II 學業情緒有正向的預測。 六. 13 種學業情緒聯合對學業成就的預測力達到顯著的水準,其解釋力為 24.8%。 七. 學校抗拒感、消極學業情緒及積極學業情緒,三者聯合對學業成就的預 測達顯著水準。 八. 中介模型的分析顯示,學業情緒在學校歸屬感對學業成就的影響中起到 完成的中介作用;其中,學校抗拒感被學業情緒希望、滿足、羞愧及生 氣完全中介。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Learning, Psychology of
Emotions in children
Middle school students -- Macau -- Psychology
高級小學至初級中學之學生 -- 澳門 -- 心理
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991004796889706306