
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

This study was conducted to explore the roles and functions of the university counselors in Macao, and to provide an understanding of the difficulties (challenges) encountered by these counselors. The methodology used in this study was semi-structured interview in qualitative research. Four counselors (social workers) from the universities in Macao had been invited to participate in one-to-one in-depth interviews, in which the respondents were asked to describe their experiences in crisis intervention. From the interviews, the researcher was able to understand the types of crisis that had been handled by the counselors; the counselors’ roles as well as the difficulties confronting them in crisis intervention. As revealed in the results of this study, the roles played by the university counselors in Macao include the coordinator, companion(bodyguard), psychological counselor, and advisor, in addition to other roles irrelevant to the counseling profession (such as the person to call the police for help, or to evacuate the students from their dormitory in a critical incident). Under the current circumstances, the difficulties confronting the university counselors in Macao are: (1) General misunderstanding of the counselor’s role due to the lack of emphasis on their professional role; (2) Inadequate professional VII (counseling-related) functionality; (3) Lack of relevant training in crisis intervention; thus, counselors can only learn by experience gained from work, and/or from colleagues, supervisors and counselors in other universities; (4) Lack of resources/support and cooperation/coordination among the faculty and staff to better assist the counselors during a critical incident; and (5) Lack of an overall crisis management system. It was also found in this study that during a critical incident, ongoing reflection was undertaken by the university counselors in various aspects such as performance enhancement, professional capacity, stress and emotions, as well as other deficiencies. In the course of reflection, the counselors were able to accept their inadequacies and find proper ways to improve.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討澳門高等院校輔導員於校園危機事件中角色定位,以及 了解現況下輔導員面對的困境(挑戰)。 本研究採用質性研究法中的半結構式訪談方式,邀請了 4 位在澳門高等 院校從事心理輔導工作的輔導員(社工),作一個深度的訪談。透過受訪者 描述其於危機處理時的一些經歷,了解澳門高等院校輔導員過往曾處理過的 校園危機事件類型、輔導員於危機處理時專業角色的定位,以及在處理校園 危機時面對的困境。 研究結果發現澳門高等院校輔導員於校園危機事件中,正扮演著協調 員、陪伴者(保鏢)、心理輔導者、建議者以及其他與輔導專業較不相關的 角色(例如:報警、疏散人群)。而現況下,輔導員正面臨的困境為:(1) 專 業角色未能凸顯,造成他人對輔導員角色的誤解;(2) 專業功能發揮不足; (3) 專業培訓不足,只能靠經驗累積、與同業交流以及透過督導來學習;(4) 資源/支援不足、各部門的配合度不夠;(5) 缺乏危機管理的機制。 在危機事件中,輔導員會對自己不斷反思,反思在工作上可以提昇的地 方,亦會對自己專業素能、壓力和情緒、以及不足的地方作出反思。在反思 的過程中,輔導員亦會接受自己的不足以及提出改善的方法。

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Faculty of Education




School crisis management -- Macau

學校危機管理 -- 澳門

Counseling in higher education -- Macau

高等教育輔導 -- 澳門

Student counselors -- Macau

學生輔導員 -- 澳門



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