
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This study aims at probing the impact of Tai Chi workouts on the physical and psychological health among students with intellectual disability. 23 students with mild intellectual disability as participants were randomly divided into Tai Chi experimental group (11students aged 18.8 ±1.3 years) and basketball control group (12 students aged 16.7±1.6 years). In both groups, the participants attended 2 sessions of workouts every week in the 13-week experiment with each session lasting for 60 minutes. All the subjects were pre-tested and post-tested by taking measurement on their body functions (body composition, muscle strength, muscle endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, balanced ability, and upper lower limbs coordinate ability). Meanwhile, parents and teachers evaluated the social adaptation ability. In the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th weeks, exercise quantity and intensity of both groups were measured by pedometer and Zephyr HR team package. After the experiment, four experts of Martial Arts were invited to grade the effects of the study by means of the videos of Tai Chi group. The results were as follows: 1) After 13-week Tai Chi workouts, all the participants of Tai Chi group were graded above 5 points at the effects of double-blind study. If 6 points was qualified, there were 8 eligible students. Percent of pass is 72%. 2) Tai Chi experimental group and basketball control group were equal in exercise quantity and intensity. Participants in both groups got improvement in 6 minutes walk to run (p.05). There were no significant changes in body composition, balanced ability, upper lower limbs coordinate ability and resting blood pressure (p>.05). 3) After this experiment intervening, there was progress trend in the adaptation ability of eligible participants in Tai Chi experimental group and participants in basketball control group graded by teachers(p=.098). The advancement extent of Tai Chi experimental group was less obviously higher than basketball control group. In conclusion, students with intellectual disability are able to learn Tai Chi. Both Tai Chi and basketball exercise can improve cardiorespiratory endurance. There exists progress trend in muscle endurance of abdomen and upper limbs. In the meantime, social adaptation ability can get improvement to some degree. No differences were observed between Tai Chi and basketball exercise in benefiting physical and psychological health. Results indicate that more complex Tai Chi can function as exercise for students with intellectual disability.

Chinese Abstract

本研究的目的在於探討太極拳練習對智能障礙學生的身心影響。研究對象 為 23 名輕度智障學生,隨機分成八式太極實驗組 11 名(平均年齡為 18.8 ± 1.3 歲)及籃球對照組 12 名(平均年齡 16.7 ± 1.6 歲),在課外活動時間進行每週 2 次、每次 60 分鐘、共 13 週的運動介入。實驗前、後測量身體機能(身體成分、 肌肉力量、肌肉耐力、心肺耐力、平衡能力、上下肢協調能力),並實施社會適 應能力的教師及家長評價;在練習的第 3、6、9 及 12 週,以計步器及 Zephyr 心 率團隊包測量兩練習組的運動量及強度,實驗後邀請四位武術專家對太極組練習 者的錄影進行學習效果的評分。結果顯示: (一)經 13 週八式太極拳練習,以雙盲法評價所有太極拳練習者之學習效果的 評分均在 5 分以上,若以 6 分為合格,則達標者有 8 位同學,合格率為 72%。(二) 太極拳組與籃球練習組之運動量和運動強度無差異,介入後兩組受試者 6 分鐘走 跑有顯著提高(p <.05),仰臥起坐(p = .074)、俯臥撐(p = .074)有進步趨勢, 但太極拳和籃球練習組無組間差異(p >.05);身體成分、平衡能力、協調能力及 安靜血壓無顯著改變(p >.05)。(三)介入後,教師對太極拳合格練習者和籃球 練習者之適應能力評分有進步趨勢(p = .098),太極拳組進步幅度雖比籃球組高 但並不明顯。結果表明:輕度智障學生可學會八式太極拳;太極拳和籃球練習均 可提升心肺耐力,腹部和上肢肌肉耐力有進步的趨勢,同時社會適應能力有一定 程度的改善;本研究未觀察到太極拳和籃球練習對身心助益的區別。結果提示較 為複雜太極拳練習可作為輕度智障者體育鍛煉的健身方式。

Issue date





Faculty of Education




Tai chi -- Health aspects

太極 -- 健康方面

Physical education for children with mental disabilities -- Macau

精神殘障兒童的體能教育 -- 澳門



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