
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this study was to investigate the training effects of TGfU with Action Research method on basketball training among secondary school basketball players. The Action Research included three stages of training from which to explore the history of the implementation and its reflection and adjustment, the team’s history of performance and the reflections and growth of the researcher. The participants included an experienced basketball male coach and 16 male players who volunteered to participate in this study. All the data was collected by the outline of the players’ interviews, the reflections on the training and competitions of the coach, the impression on the training and competitions of the players, the phrasal review of the coach, the discussion with the professional instructors, and the information of the network discussion. The results were as following: 1. TGfU has a good impact on both team players’ performance and also the teaching methods of the coach. 2. After the study, all the players’ awareness on the playing field, as well as their team spirit, has also been improved a lot. However, the improvement of the players’ personal skills was not significant. 3. The researcher has learned more about the details of Action Research and acquired more training methods during the process. The researcher also tried to implement TGfU to direct the competitions and there was a significant effect on the players. Moreover, the researcher learned how to deal with conflicts and concentrate more on the relationship between each other. In conclusion, the researcher has a professional development after finishing this study.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在以行動研究的方法,運用理解式球類訓練法在中學生籃球隊的訓 練中,進行三個不同階段的行動方案,再藉由行動方案的實行、反思、修正,探 討訓練法的實施、隊伍的歷程表現和研究者的省思及成長。研究參與者為澳門某 中學的 16 名男學生,進行三階段的行動方案,並以學生訪談、教練訓練及比賽反 思、隊員訓練及比賽感想、教練階段檢討、指導老師專業對話、網絡討論資料作 為資料蒐集方式。研究結果發現:1. 分階段訓練形式特顯理解式訓練特點,幫助 隊員逐步提升能力。2. 隊員發現與解決問題及場上閱讀能力有所提升。3. 行動 研究增進研究者的解難能力,躍升為反思型的專業教練。建議往後理解式球類訓 練法必須更多在澳門本地的進行推廣,並強調在訓練過程中溝通的一環,及在研 究過程中要增加研究夥伴和量化資料的收集。

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Faculty of Education




Ball games -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

球類體育及遊戲 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門

Basketball -- Coaching -- Macau

籃球 (體育) -- 教授體育 -- 澳門



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