
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


高強度間歇運動對心率變異, 主觀疲勞感覺及運動喜愛程度的影響

English Abstract

Research purpose: This research aimed at exploring the effects of high intensity intermittent exercise (HIE) on Heart Rate Variation (HRV), Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and the physical activity enjoyment (PAE) in college male students. The changes of HRV and RPE were recorded every 20 minutes till to 140 minutes after HIE and, PAE of HIE with different times and a graded exercise test (GXT) were also compared. Research methods: Subjects were 18 healthy male college students without regular exercise, and participated in this study voluntarily. The basic characteristics of age, body mass index (BMI), fatness and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) were 22.05 ± 2.57 years, 20.81 ± 1.68 kg/m2 , 16.41±3.45%, and 37.31±4.22 ml/kg respectively. Each subject were randomly assigned to four Wingate (4WAT), two Wingate (2 WAT) and Control of no-exercise(CON), and each trial was carried out at an interval of at least 72 hours. Actiwave heart motor was used to record RPE and HRV data in supine position, at the start and 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 minutes after HIE. Research results: 1) Comparing with the inactivity status (CON), RMSSD index of HRV remained at lower level after 4WAT and 2WAT within 80 minutes and recovered to the inactivity status within 100 minutes but there were no significant differences (p>.05). After HIE, LF, VLF and HF recovered to the inactivity state within 40 to 60 minutes (p>.05), LF/HF showed a dropping trend till to 60 minutes. The changes of HRV in 4WAT were higher than in 2WAT. The results indicate that the activity of sympathetic nervous system strengthens while the activity of parasympathetic nerve weakens within 40-60 minutes after HIE. In addition, there exists a more apparent tendency of HRV in 4WAT than in 2WAT, however, the extra effect is not significant. 2) RPE of 2WAT'recovers faster than that of 4WAT', and the score of PAE is higher than 4WAT and GXT. Conclusion: The results suggest the healthy males who do not do exercise regularly could consider 2WAT of HIE as their physical fitness prescribes.

Chinese Abstract

研究目的:旨在探討高強度間歇運動對男大學生心率變異(HRV)、主觀疲勞 感覺(RPE)及運動喜愛程度的影響,觀察其運動後每 20 分鐘 HRV、RPE 的變 化直至 140 分鐘,比較不同次數的高強度間歇與遞增負荷的運動喜愛程度。 研究方法:研究對象為 18 名男性普通大學生,均身體健康、無規律運動,自願 參與本研究,年齡為 22.05 ± 2.57 歲,體重指數 BMI 為 20.81 ± 1.68 kg/m2,脂肪 百分比為 16.41 ± 3.45%,最大攝氧量為 37.31 ± 4.22 ml/kg。隨機安排每位受試者 進行 4 個 Wingate(4WAT)、2 個 Wingate(2WAT)和不運動的空白對照(CON) 實驗,每次測試至少間隔 72 小時,應用 Actiwave 小型心電機記錄實驗開始及運 動後第 20、40、60、80、100、120、140 分鐘仰臥位的 HRV 數據,並記錄 RPE。 研究結果:1)與不運動的對照狀態比較,4WAT 和 2WAT 的高強度間歇運動後 心率變異之 RMSSD 指標 80 分鐘內處於較低水準,100 分鐘後恢復至不運動狀 態,但無顯著差異(p>.05),LF、VLF、HF 在運動後 40 - 60 分鐘內恢復到不運動 狀態 (p>.05),LF/HF 運動後呈降低趨勢,運動後 60 分鐘基本恢復;4WAT 較 2WAT 高強度間歇運動的心率變異反應更明顯些。結果表明 4WAT 和 2WAT 的 高強度間歇運動後,40 - 60 分鐘內 HRV 副交感神經活性升高、交感神經活動減 弱,4WAT 比 2WAT 的高強度間歇運動負荷心率變異改變幅度有更大的趨勢, 但額外效應不明顯。2)2WAT 比 4WAT 的高強度間歇運動之主觀疲勞感覺恢復 較快,且運動喜愛程度得分高於 4WAT 與遞增負荷運動。結果提示:沒有鍛煉 習慣的普通健康男性可考慮使用 2WAT 的高強度間歇運動的方式進行健身。

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Faculty of Education




Exercise -- Physiological aspects

體育鍛鍊 -- 生理方面

Physical education for college students


Exercise for men




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