
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this study was to investigate association of physical activity and sedentary behavior with weight status in the students of Shanghai High Schools. A quota sampling design was used to select 904 participants representing the high school students in Shanghai. The questionnaire, consisted of 2 sections including demographic information, Sedentary Behavior information and Taiwan Version of International Physical Activity Questionnaire’s Self-administered Long Version, was used to collect weight status, self-reported physical activity and sedentary behaviors. Those data were examined by Descriptive Statistics, t-tests, One Way ANOVA, and multinomial logistic regression. The results were presented below: 1.Most of students were underweight and physical inactivity in Shanghai. Nearly half of all adolescents were spending more than 630 min’s per day. And the majority of adolescents had no television and computer in their bedroom. Most parents limited their children’s computer time. 2. The prevalence of overweight and obesity were significantly higher among boys than among girls. 3. Boys were more likely to be engaged in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity than girls. Grade 12 spent less time in physical activity than grade 10 and grade 11. And adolescents who classified in the maintenance stage of exercise spent more time in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity than others. 4. Compared with boys, girls spent significantly more time participating in sedentary behavior, but boys spent more time engaged in screen-based time than girls. Grade 10 and grade 11 spent more time in screen-based time than grade 12. Adolescents who had a television or computer in their bedroom spent more time in screen-based time. In addition, parents who limited computer time had children who spent less time iii engaged in computer use. 5. Decreased in time spent engaged in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, adolescents were more likely to be classified as obese compared to those who were normal weight. 6. The adolescents who were classified in high screen-base time / low moderate-to-vigorous physical activity group were approximately 16 times more likely to be obese than reference group (low screen-base time / high moderate-to-vigorous physical activity) , and In comparison with the reference group (low screen-base time / high moderate-to-vigorous physical activity) , the low screen-base time/ low moderate-to-vigorous physical activity group had significantly higher odds ratio of obesity.

Chinese Abstract

本研究目的在通過調查上海市高中生身體活動量、坐式生活型態與身體 形態的現狀及其關係,瞭解坐式生活型態與身體活動量對高中生身體形態的 (聯合)預測情形,爲預防高中生罹患不良體位提供更有針對性的建議。本 研究使用問卷調查法,以上海市高中生作為研究對象,研究工具為 IPAQ 台 灣活動量調查自填長版(國中版)問卷及學生特性問卷,共發放 960 份問卷, 回收有效問卷 904 份,並以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分 析、多項式邏輯斯蒂回歸分析進行資料處理與分析,研究結果如下:一、上 海市高中生以體重過輕者居多,超重、肥胖人口比例與多數研究結果相符顯 示上海市高中生已處於肥胖的早期流行階段。多數學生身體活動量不足,有 近半數的學生坐式生活時間過高,多數父母會限制子女的電腦使用時間,並 且不在子女的臥室中安裝電視、電腦。二、高中男生超重、肥胖發生率顯著 高於女生。三、高中男生的身體活動量顯著高於女生,並且,高中生的身體 活動量有隨著年級升高而下降的趨勢,另外,運動階段處於維持期的高中生, 身體活動量明顯高於其他運動階段的學生。四、高中女生的總體坐式生活時 間顯著高於男生,但是,男生與屏幕相關的坐式生活時間有高於女生的趨勢。 與屏幕相關的坐式生活時間高一、高二學生明顯高於高三學生。臥室中沒有 安裝電視或電腦的高中生與屏幕相關的坐式生活時間顯著低於臥室中安裝 者,另外,高中生的電腦使用時間會因父母的限時狀況顯著降低。五、身體 活動量對高中生的肥胖體位具有顯著預測力。六、不同程度與屏幕相關的坐 式生活型態與身體活動量可聯合預測高中生的肥胖體位, 高中生處於高與屏 幕相關坐式行為/低身體活動量狀態下肥胖的勝算值為 16.02 倍,另外,高中 生處於低與屏幕相關坐式行為/低身體活動量狀態下肥胖的勝算值為 13.89 倍。

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Faculty of Education




Physical education and training -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- China -- Shanghai

體育教育及訓練 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 中國 -- 上海

Sedentary behavior -- Health aspects

坐式行為 -- 健康方面

Health behavior in adolescence -- China -- Shanghai

青少年的健康行為 -- 中國 -- 上海



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