
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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澳門運動員運動傷害調查研究 : 以籃球、排球、足球及手球為例

English Abstract

This study aims at observing the sports injury condition, reason, management and treatment of Macau athletes. Furthermore, this study investigates the differences in prevalence of sports injury as well as in sports injury self-efficacy prevention behavior among different variables (sex, sport specialty and sport level). In this study, questionnaires about sports injury were given to 381 male and 211 female athletes. All of the athletes are the members of Macau selection teams, tertiary and inter-school teams, and university and secondary school teams of four different sports items: basketball, volleyball, football and handball. The result showed that: According to the questionnaires, 51.7% Macau athletes report that they have to stop training for more than one day due to sports injury in the past year. The prevalence of sports injury is 5.23 ± 11.27 times every 1000 hours of exercise. The most common injury areas are ankle and knee. The prevalent types of injury are joint sprain, muscle strain and contusion. The most common reason for sports injury is lack of warm-up exercise. Most people use cold pack immediately after they are injured and the majority of them seek help from bonesetter and physical therapist when they suffer from sports injury. Many people report that they sometimes feel pain after sports injury. The prevalence of sports injury is higher in male athletes than in female athletes (p<0.01) and it is higher in handball athletes than in volleyball athletes (p<0.01) . Among Macau tertiary and inter-school teams, the prevalence of sports injury is higher in football athletes than in basketball, volleyball and handball athletes (p<0.001) Among university and secondary school teams, the prevalence of sports injury is higher in handball athletes than in volleyball athletes (p<<0.05) . And as far as the football athletes are concerned, the prevalence of sports injury is higher in Macau tertiary and inter-school teams than in Macau selection teams and university and secondary school team (p<0.001) Sport specialty affects the prevalence of sports injury of male (p<0.05) and female (p<0.05) athletes. The prevalence of female handball athletes is higher than that of volleyball athletes. Sport specialty and sport level neither interwork with each other nor affect athletes’sports injury self-efficacy prevention behavior. The findings of this study indicated that the prevalence of sports injury among iv basketball, volleyball, football, handball athletes in Macau is not too high. Sex, sport specialty and sport level can affect the prevalence of sports injury. Nevertheless, neither sport specialty nor sport level affects sports injury self-efficacy prevention behavior.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在觀察澳門運動員的運動傷害情形、原因、處理及治療,並探討 不同背景變項(性別、運動專項及運動水平)之運動傷害盛行率及防護自我勝任 能力的差異。本研究以澳門運動員運動傷害問卷調查籃球、排球、足球及手球之 澳門集訓代表隊、澳門專上及學界代表隊與大學及中學校隊之男性 381 位及女性 211 位運動員。結果發現:澳門運動員在最近一年內因運動傷害有 51.7%運動訓 練需停止一天以上,每 1000 個運動小時之運動傷害發生率為 5.23 ±11.27 次;傷 害部位以腳踝及膝部最常見;類型以關節扭傷、肌肉拉傷及挫傷/撞傷為主;原 因主要是以熱身不足最多;第一時間是以冷敷/冰敷處理;尋醫對象以跌打師傅 及物理治療師的比例最多;偶而有疼痛感的佔大多數。男性運動員的運動傷害盛 行率較女性運動員高(p<0.01)手球運動員的運動傷害盛行率高於排球運動員 (p<0.01)。在澳門專上及學界代表隊中,足球運動員運動傷害盛行率高於籃球、 排球及手球運動員 (p<0.001) ;大學及中學校隊中,僅手球運動員運動傷害盛行 率高於排球運動員(p<0.05)在足球運動中,澳門專上及學界代表隊運動員運 動傷害盛行率高於澳門集訓代表隊與大學及中學校隊的運動員(p<0..001)。運動 專項影響男性(p<0.05)及女性(p<0.05))運動員的運動傷害盛行率,女子手球 運動員的盛行率高於排球運動員;運動專項及運動水平既不會交互影響、亦不會 單獨影響運動員的運動傷害防護自我勝任能力。結果顯示:澳門籃球、排球、足 球及手球運動員之運動傷害盛行率不算高。性別、運動專項、運動水平可影響運 動傷害盛行率,而運動專項及運動水平不影響運動傷害防護自我勝任能力。

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Faculty of Education




Athletes -- Macau

運動員 -- 澳門

Sports injuries


Basketball injuries


Football injuries


Volleyball injuries




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