
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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識字教學行動研究 : 以融合教育模式中的讀寫障礙生為例

English Abstract

Through an action research course for three dyslexic students with learning disabilities, the researcher has diagnosed their capability for learning Chinese. With the research information, a design for enhancing the action strategies plan for dyslexic Children’s ability to read and write Chinese characters and assessing the effectiveness of the action research program has been formulated. There are six research programs for this study; they are “Homework Adjustment”, “Adjustment Assessment”, “Basic literacy pedagogy word with word”, “Repeat reading and teaching”, “Significance of Literacy Teaching” and “Tutoring”. Several conclusions have been obtained from the research: 1. Diagnosis of Chinese language ability helps to understand the learning needs of children with dyslexia. 2. Diagnosis of the self-efficacy of children with dyslexia can help analyze the learning process of their psychological changes. 3. Among the action plan strategies four, the basic word with the word, the meaning of literacy, repeated reading, and adjustment assessment adopted in this research help to enhance the Chinese ability of read and write for dyslexic children. 4. The action plan components homework adjustment and tutoring can help to reduce unfinished assignments. After the end of the action research, dyslexic children showed outstanding improvement. 6. The research found that the participants’ ability to read and recognize Chinese characters as well as writing ability has improved significantly. To conclude, the researchers need to provide recommendations to fuse class teachers, education policies and subsequent researchers.

Chinese Abstract

研究者是公立小學六年級普通班語文教師,通過行動研究的歷程,針對三位 就讀於普通班,有讀寫障礙學童的學習困難,進行中文能力診斷,利用所得的資 料,設計提升讀寫障礙兒童讀寫中文字能力的行動策略,並評估所採用的行動研 究方案成效。 本研究所採取的行動研究策略共有六個,分別是「作業調整」、「調節評核」、 「基本字帶字識字教學法」、「重複閱讀教學」、「意義化識字教學」與「課業輔導」。 研究結束後,獲得以下幾點結論: 一、中文能力診斷有助於瞭解讀寫障礙兒童的學習需求。 二、自我效能診斷,有助分析讀寫障礙兒童學習歷程的心理變化。 三、本研究所採用的行動方案中,基本字帶字、意義化識字、重複閱讀、調節評 核對提升讀寫障礙兒童讀寫中文能力有幫助。 四、本研究所採用的行動方案中,「作業調整」、「課業輔導」有助減少拖欠作業。 五、在行動研究結束後,通過後測中文能力診斷,讀寫障礙兒童的識字能力有明 顯提升。 六、研究發現,研究參與者在認讀中文字能力有明顯提升,寫字能力也同時獲得 改善。 根據研究結論,研究者對融合班教師、教育政策、以及往後的研究者提出建議。

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Faculty of Education




Chinese characters -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau -- Case studies

漢字 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門 -- 個案研究

Chinese language -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau -- Case studies

漢語 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門 -- 個案研究

Mainstreaming in education -- Macau -- Case studies

融合教育 (指特殊兒童和普通兒童一起學習) -- 澳門 -- 個案研究

Students with disabilities -- Education (Elementary) -- Macau -- Case studies

殘障學生 -- 教育 (小學) -- 澳門 -- 個案研究



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