
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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專家教師與新手教師 "一題多解" 數學觀之差異

English Abstract

Traditional mathematics teaching largely confined students’ thinking, losing vividness and adding boring in mathematical class. Emphasis on the diversification of thinking, advocating “one problem with multiple solutions (OPMS)” can overcome the drawbacks. OPMS can effectively extend the students’ thinking and highlights OPMS’s education function. Mathematical conception difference on “one problem with multiple solutions” between expert teacher and novice teacher in the current study is basically blank. In this paper, though interviews with five expert teachers and five novice teachers to explore mathematical conception difference on “one problem with multiple solutions (OPMS)” between expert teacher and novice teacher. Findings: between expert and novice teachers of conceptions of mathematics of OPMS are different. The expert teachers showed a more positive attitude to OPMS, but the novice teachers showed a negative attitude. Performance in teaching: the expert teachers agree that OPMS bring a good effect, and most expert teachers will actively use OPMS in teaching. But the novice teachers don’t agree that OPMS bring a good effect, and most novice teachers will not actively use OPMS in teaching. Performance in the respect of cultivation of students: the expert teachers agree that one problem with multiple solutions can do a well job in cultivation of students. The OPMS not only for students now has a very important cultured value, but also it will affect students’ future. Especially OPMS has an important value in stimulating students’ creativity and OPMS is a great advantage. Expert teachers think OPMS has general applicability to the students, and has universal applicability to the various areas of the mathematics curriculum. VI But novice teachers do not entirely agree OPMS will do well in training students’ role, and think OPMS does not have much effect, for example, it will be a waste of students’ time. And novice teachers do not think that OPMS has general applicability to the students, and has universal applicability to the various areas of the mathematics curriculum. This paper makes up the blank of OPMS’s education function, expert teacher and novice teacher, and mathematical conception.

Chinese Abstract

傳統的數學教學在很大程度上禁錮了學生的思維,使數學失去了生動性,增添了 枯燥性。而重視思維的多元化,提倡“一題多解”就可以克服這個弊端,能夠有效的 擴展學生思維的空間,凸顯“一題多解”的教育功能,而專家教師和新手教師“一題 多解”數學觀的差異目前的研究基本屬於空白。本文通過訪談五個專家教師和五個新 手教師,探討了專家教師和新手教師的“一題多解”數學觀差異。研究結果發現:專 家教師和新手教師之間關於“一題多解”數學觀具有較多的差異。專家教師大部分表 現出對“一題多解”比較正面的態度,而新手教師則大多表現出對“一題多解”比較 負面的態度。表現在教學方面是:受訪中的專家教師能夠比較認同“一題多解”對教 學帶來的實效,並且大部分專家教師會積極主動地在教學中使用“一題多解”;而新 手教師則比較不贊同“一題多解”給教學帶來的實效,並且大部分新手教師也不會主 動在教學中使用“一題多解”。表現在對學生的培養方面是:受訪中的專家教師比較 認同“一題多解”在對學生培養方面的實效,不僅認為“一題多解”不僅對學生的現 在非常具有培養價值,而且對學生的未來同樣非常具有培養價值,尤其是對學生未來 的創造性培養的價值,“一題多解”是很有優勢的,而且專家教師認為“一題多解” 對學生具有普遍的適用性,對數學課程各個領域也具有普遍的適用性;而新手教師則 並不完全贊同“一題多解”在培養學生方面的作用,認為“一題多解”並沒有多大的 作用,會浪費學生的時間等,而且新手教師認為“一題多解”適用於對部分學生,部 IV 分領域。本文彌補了“一題多解”的教育功能、專家教師和新手教師的相關研究和數 學觀等方面的空白。

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Faculty of Education




Mathematics -- Study and teaching

數學 -- 學習及教學

Mathematics teachers -- Attitudes

數學教師 -- 態度

Problem solving




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