
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

In order to promote holistic development of students, policies regarding extra-curricular activities have been developed and implemented by many countries and regions. In practice, many issues have to be included into considerations for the development of specific school-based policies such as the social atmosphere, the available resources, long-term development plan, etc. Extracurricular activity, as an important means of holistic development and always regards as second classroom learning, plays an important role in supplementing the regular curricular in the way that it gives students different channels of learning and enriching development of students’ social network. In that sense, the way extracurricular activity policy is constructed and implemented, will more or less produce necessary impact to students’ participation of activities, as well as their personal growth and interpersonal relationships. The objective of present questionnaire survey examined the opinions of 345 senior high schools students from three different schools within the private school network at their year 2 study. Schools in Macau usually had different policies in management and implementation of extracurricular activities. One of the schools chose to have non-restricted policy to enable students to choose the number and type of participation freely. The other school applied semi-restriction on number but not on the type of participation. The last school chose the application of restriction on the number and type of participation. This study intended to understand students’ choice of extra-curricular activities, personal growth and development of interpersonal relationship. Data indicated that school policies 1. had significant effects for students’ choice of extra-curricular activities; 2. the application of policy with restriction on number and type of participation attracted the highest rate of participation in extra-curricular activities; it is the general pattern for students to participate with single type of activities; 3. no significant differences in development of personal growth and interpersonal relationships for students coming from the three schools regarding to their gender and age differences Schools were suggested to think about recommendations: 1. By adoption of non-restricted policy to encourage the wider participation of extra-curricular activities in school; the establishment of responsible office and resources bank to ensure the possible of high quality personnel for extra-curricular activities seemed to be effective measure to backup the development 2. there were many reason for students of not to participate in extra-curricular activities, students should be given with opportunities for participation from very young age and develop appropriate evaluation format for students to identify extra-curricular activities as part of the learning process ix 3. to make effective personal growth and development of interpersonal relationship, the offering of opportunities in managing clubs and team by students might be the effective method for students to develop the related skills.

Chinese Abstract

很多國家及地區為培養學生,推動學生全人發展,而制定一系列有關發展課外活動 的政策。然而,學校在實施課外活動政策的時候,需要衡量其面對的外來環境及現有資 源,結合長足的思考整合,形成了具有校本特色的政策。建構以學生為核心的第二課堂, 課外活動其中一個任務就是補充學校正規課程的不足,一方面增加學生接觸不同活動學 習的機會;另一方面逐漸擴闊其人際圈。故學校課外活動政策特色的確立,將會影響到 學生課外活動參與、自我成長以至人際關係的發展。本次研習透過問卷調查,研究澳門 三所入網私立中學,共 345 名高中二年級學生意見,探討不同的課外活動政策對學生的 影響。澳門學校課外活動政策推行及管理,主要可以分成不同的形態進行,包括不規定 學生參與活動的種類及數量,給予學生一定的選擇自由;規定學生參與的數量但不限其 種類;明確規定學生需要參與課外活動的數量及種類,本研究以了解學生參與課外活動 的狀況包括選擇、自我成長及人際關係的發展等為主要目的,研究結果顯示: 1. 澳門學校課外活動政策推行時所設的限制對學生活動選擇有顯著差異。 2. 最大參與 (超過 90% 高中二年級學生有參與課外活動) 出現於學校有明確課外活 動規定,學校雖呈現不同的政策,但學生對課外活動的選擇,包括體育、藝術、學 術、服務方面等的課外活動,均呈現單項集中的趨勢。 3. 課外活動的政策雖然不同,但對高中二年級學生的自我成長及人際關係的影響;不 論是對男、女生、不同年齡及不同學校的學生都沒有顯著影響。 對於因課外活動政策所產生的問題,建議: 1. 學校可考慮設置明確的課外活動規定,以擴大學生參與課外活動的機會,因此學校 應考慮設置專責負責推展課外活動部門,建立課外活動人才資料庫等以確保能提供 優秀導師參與課外活動的推展。 2. 從研究中了解並不是所有學生均參與課外活動,原因可能很多,學校應考慮學生從 小就應給予參與課外活動機會,設置評鑑系統,以致學生能回顧自己在活動中的表 現,明白課外活動為學習一部分。 vii 3. 對於學生自我成長及人際關係,建議設立社團使學生能管理各活動發展,從工作中 發展在處理人際關係中的各種技能。

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Faculty of Education




Students -- Recreation -- Macau

學生 -- 消閒 -- 澳門

Student activities -- Macau

課外活動 -- 澳門

High school student activities -- Macau

高中學生課外活動 -- 澳門



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