UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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This study mainly discusses the development on Cantonese questions forms and functions of 3 to 6 years old preschool children. 98 members age between 3 to 6 were picked to make one-on-one conversation watched by the kindergarten teachers. The 8 questions in their conversations were selected and were classified into 20 kinds of patterns and 14 kinds of function. As a result, we came up with 1,257 questions form the 98 picked samples. The results indicate that (1) the 1,257 questions included all 20 kinds of patterns (Matthew & Yip, 2011) and 14 kinds of functions (Chouinard, 2007), and no age difference was found. (2) We also analysis from gender, we believe that girls use question more often and more skillful, reflecting in a higher frequency of using question and more words used in questions. (3)From the analysis on age we can see that there is no visible difference between the children from age 3 to 5, however, the children of 6 have a higher frequency of using questions. (4) Based on the result of the forms and function of the interrogative sentence, children use questions more often to ask for information, of which they use wh-questions and indirect questions. Also they have the preference on using “yes/no” questions and exclamatory/ rhetorical questions to ask for action.Through the comprehensive analysis of the forms and functions, we found that children have the preference on wh-questions that are asking for information and questions that are asking for action.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究主要探討澳門 3-6 歲幼兒有關粵語疑問句式和功能之發展的研究。98 名年齡介乎於 3 歲至 6 歲的幼兒在幼稚園老師的看管下兩兩自由對話,幼兒自由 對話中的疑問句被分類成 20 種句型和 14 種功能。結果得出,本研究分析及得出 1,257 句疑問句,數據來自澳門地區的 98 名會說粵語的年齡分別為 3-6 歲的幼 兒。研究結果指出:(1)1,257 句疑問句全部涵括 20 種疑問句句型(Matthew & Yip, 2011)和 14 種疑問句功能(Chouinard, 2007),並且發現幼兒隨著年齡的增長其 使用疑問句的頻率沒有明顯的變化;(2)從性別上分析,女生使用疑問句比男生 使用疑問句的頻率略高,具體體現為女生使用疑問句的平均值高,但女生使用疑 問句句子的長度與男生相若;(3)從年齡上分析,3-5 歲幼兒疑問句的使用頻率 沒有明顯的差異,但是 6 歲幼兒較 3-5 歲幼兒疑問句的使用頻率較高;(4)經過 疑問句的句型和功能的綜合分析得出,幼兒的提問偏向於詢問資訊的特殊疑問句 和間接疑問句,他們同樣地偏向於詢問行動的是非疑問句和感歎句和反問句。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Chinese language -- Study and teaching (Early childhood) -- Macau
漢語 -- 學習及教學 (嬰兒至初級小學) -- 澳門
Children -- Macau -- Language
兒童 -- 澳門 -- 用詞; 語言風格
Cantonese dialects -- Macau
廣東方言 -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991004707439706306