UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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This thesis explores the form of Ci poetry and its derivation from tonal patterns and rhyme schemes. The “origin” character within the thesis title has a dual meaning of “source” and “origin”. Not only the sources of the form of Ci poetry are explored, but also its musical and literary attributes are analyzed to track its prime origin. The origin of Ci poetry is of great importance in the study of Ci poetry. However, the academic circle has yet to reach a consensus about this issue. Based upon the principle of “Two Symbols and One Protracted Course”, as proposed by Sze (1985), the author explores the occurring channels of Ci poetry and starts from structural patterns and singing methods to track the development process of Ci poetry. It is argued that the form of Ci poetry is derived from its tonal patterns and rhyme schemes. It is hoped that such a conclusion may lay down a foundation for further explorations of Ci poetry in the new century. Following an overview of Ci poetry, the scientific nature and feasibility of exploring the origin of Ci poetry with the idea of “Two Symbols and One Protracted Course” is explored. The historical and cultural background, the musical background and the literary background of the occurrence and revolution of the form of Ci poetry is investigated in detail. Finally, the channels of the occurrence and revolution of the form of Ci poetry from the angles of songs and lyrics are explored. It is hoped that my thesis can make some achievement by means of exposition and evidence.
- Chinese Abstract
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本文嘗試論證詞體來源於詞調。論文題目中的「原」字,包括「源」與「原」 兩層意思。論文一方面考察詞體的來源,一方面分析詞的音樂及文學特性,辨 認其本原。 詞源問題是詞學研究中的重要命題,但學界對此問題並未達成一致結論。 筆者以導師施議對教授所提出的「兩個標誌,一個長過程」為原則,考察詞體 產生的渠道,並由句式與歌法入手,追踪其從草創到定型的過程,最後得出詞 體來源於詞調的結論。期望這個結論,能為新世紀詞學的開拓,奠定基礎。 本文上卷二章概述詞源問題的研究現狀,說明「兩個標誌,一個長過程」 的科學性和可行性。中卷三章,敘說詞體發生、發展的歷史文化背景、音樂背 景和文學背景。下卷二章,從樂曲與歌辭兩個角度,探尋並梳理詞體發生、發 展的渠道。希望透過過程的描述與實證,展現結果。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department
Department of Chinese
- Degree
- Subject
Ci (Chinese poetry) -- History and criticism
詞 (中國詩詞) -- 歷史及評論
- Supervisor
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991004642939706306