
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


馬禮遜 "華英字典" 語法標注研究

English Abstract

Robert Morrison, the first Christian protestant missionary of China, who stayed in China for 25 years. Besides did missionary work, he translated the Bible, compiled dictionaries, wrote books, founded publications, set up school and so on, made indelible contribution for the Chinese and western cultural communication, one of which is compiled the world's first English-Chinese bilingual dictionary ——A Dictionary of the Chinese Language. As the tool of learning Chinese for westerners, the dictionary covers almost all aspects of Chinese society, from politics to economy, astronomy to geography, it is no wonder that this dictionary is known as the "China encyclopedia". As the medium for the communication between Chinese and western culture, the dictionary also imported the advanced ideas of western to China. For example, this dictionary introduced the concept of grammatical marking in a bilingual dictionary for the first time, which is the topic of this paper. The grammatical marking is the center of this paper, with sorting out all the words and sentences marked the properties in 5 volumes (except the fifth) to concluding grammatical features of the dictionary. There are five chapters in this paper, the first is the introduction, the second mainly introduces the classification of parts of the dictionary. According to statistics, there are 461 marked words and sentences, and the occurrences times of grammatical marking is 565, which including nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, numerals, auxiliary, preposition and interjection, and other particles. In the third chapter, the attention will be paid on the detail describing of the content words and function words, and also will make a sample investigation in the fourth volume. Chapter four summarizes the grammatical marking features. The fifth chapter is conclusion.

Chinese Abstract

羅伯特·馬禮遜作為首位來華基督新教傳教士,在華 25 年,傳教之餘,他 翻譯聖經、編纂字典、撰寫著作、創辦刊物、開設學校,為中西方文化交流作出 了不可磨滅的貢獻,其中一項便是編纂了世界上第一部英漢—漢英對照的雙語字 典——《華英字典》。 作為西方人認識中國學習漢語的工具,《華英字典》囊括了當時中國社會的 方方面面,從政治到經濟,從天文到地理,從政府制度到人民日常生活,從神話 傳說到各地風俗,被稱為“中國百科全書”確實實至名歸。在向西方人介紹中國 的同時,作為中西文化交流的媒介,《華英字典》也向中國輸入了西方的各種先 進理念,其中之一便是首次在雙語字典中引進了西方語言學中的詞類劃分概念, 這也是本論文研究的主題所在。 本論文以《華英字典》中的語法標注(主要是詞類標注)為中心,窮盡式地 整理出 5 冊(不包括第二部的第二冊內容)字典中帶有語法標注的所有字頭、例 詞和例句,以及釋義中相應的語法釋義,通過分類整理,客觀有效地總結出馬禮 遜《華英字典》的詞類標注特徵。 全文分為五章節,第一章為引言,介紹本文的研究背景、研究目的及意義、 相關研究綜述和研究方法,第二章主要介紹馬禮遜對漢語詞類的分類以及《華英 字典》中詞類標注的概況,據統計,在《華英字典》中有明確詞類標注的字頭、 例詞和句子共 461 個,詞類標注共出現為 565 次,其中包括名詞、動詞、代詞、 形容詞、副詞、量詞、助詞、介詞、感歎詞及其他虛詞,共十類。第三章主要針 對這十類詞類詳細介紹《華英字典》中實詞和虛詞的分佈情況,并對第四冊《五 車韻府》進行抽樣調查以對整部字典中的詞類標注比例進行估計和推算。第四章 總結《華英字典》語法標注特徵,包括有標注的字頭大部份為古今常用字,從詞 類標注翻譯中總結出馬禮遜謙遜樸素的翻譯觀以及中西相結合的語法觀。第五章 為結語,總結全文。

Issue date




Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)



Morrison, Robert, -- 1782-1834. -- Dictionary of the Chinese language

馬禮遜, -- 1782-1834. -- 華英字典

Chinese language -- Dictionaries -- English

漢語 -- 字典 -- 英語

English language -- Dictionaries -- Chinese

英語 -- 字典 -- 漢語

Chinese language -- Grammar

漢語 -- 文法



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