
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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試論 "史記·列傳" 中太史公話語的體現 = A research of Sima Qian's discourse in biographies (Liezhuan)of Shi Ji

English Abstract

“(I want) to study everything happened on earth, and understand the changes happened in the past and happening now and thus I can become an expert.” After released from the prison Sima Qian made up his mind and completed China's first biographical History - “Shi Ji”(《史記》). “Shi Ji” was originally used as the name of all history books. Sima Qian’s work also made references to the different history books written during the Warring State period of China (戰國時期). “Shi Ji”, Sima Qian’s work, has a profound impact on the development of historiography and Chinese literature. “Yì" (義 - Justice / Righteousness) is a quite important value for Sima Qian. It is also the important central idea of “Shi Ji, Historical Biographies” (史記列傳) and the standard Sima Qian used to evaluate different historical figures. “Shi Ji” has long been the object of study of many scholars, and it is analyzed from different angles. While doing their analyses, a lot of scholars made cross references with “History of the Former Han Dynasty”《漢書》 ( ) and they also took Sima Qian’s life and his psychological condition into consideration. Some of them might also consider the social condition at that time or even applied the techniques used in anthropology. Scholars do not present a single or unanimous interpretation, but the ideas are all compossible. As scholars all use different ways to analyze Sima Qian’s work, there are fewer and fewer new ideas appearing in the analysis of Sima Qian. However at the same time, scholars are still trying to use different theories to analyze Sima Qian’s work, hoping to find something new. Among them, the latest research method is the application of narratology. Narratology studies various narrated texts, no matter it is fictional or non-fictional. There are several important sub-themes including the study of the continuity and authenticity of the text. This paper tries to compare Sima Qian’s “Shi Ji” with the others historical biographies and, with the approach of narratology, analyzes the relationship between the discourse of Grand Scribe (the title by which Sima Qian refers himself to in his work) and “Shi Ji, Historical Biographies” (史記列傳).

Chinese Abstract

欲究天地之際,通古今之變,成一家之言」,司馬遷出獄後,發憤完成了中國第一部紀 傳體通史——《史記》。《史記》最初沒有書名,司馬遷將書稿給東方朔看過,東方朔佩服不 已,將其命名為《太史公書》,後世稱《太史公書》為《史記》。「史記」原本乃各國史書的 通稱,司馬遷的著述也正是參考戰國時期各國史記所作。《史記》對後世史學和文學的發展都 産生了深遠影響。鄭樵稱:「六經之後,唯有此作」。魯迅稱譽《史記》爲「史家之絕唱,無 韻之離騷」。 列傳,簡稱傳。清代史學家趙翼曾說:「古書凡記事立論及解經者,皆謂之傳,非專記一 人事蹟也。其專記一人為一傳者,則自遷始」。司馬遷在《史記》中設置七十列傳,其發明創 造的動機於其自敘已說:「扶義倜儻,不令己失時,立功名於天下,作七十列傳。」這裡司馬 遷提出了立傳標準主要以「扶義倜儻」為總原則。如此看來,「義」在司馬遷心中有著頗重要 的地,可以解決眾多矛盾、令事情變得完滿、團結群眾團體等,也是他評價歷史人物的基本標 準。 就以〈遊俠列傳〉為例,是藝術色彩較為濃厚的一章。有學者更認為,此章對後世的武俠 小說影響極為深遠。其不但對人物描寫細緻,敍事方面更貼近於故事情節形式。然則,對《史 記》及司馬遷的研究,眾多學者或著眼於〈遊俠列傳〉的藝術色彩,或著眼於考據司馬遷之生 平,卻往往忽略到兩者之間的關係。 《史記》在很久以前,已經是很多學者的研究對象,而且亦從不同的角度進行分析。當中 不乏與《漢書》相互對照、司馬遷之生平或其本體的心理狀況入手,或從當時社會背景,甚至 運用到人類學等等,可說是百家爭鳴,各有千秋。亦是這個原因,推陳出新的研究越來越少, 各方學者紛紛用不同方法另闢門路,希望可以再從《史記》中取得成果。其中,最新的研究方 法是以敘事學進行分析。 敘事學相比於其他學說,是一門較新的理論,內裡還有很多部份需要發展。敘事學的研究 對象是各種被敘述後的文本(narrated text),不論是虛構文體及紀實文體。敘事學重要的次主題 有包括了對連續性、真實性等的研究。本文嘗試與其他列傳的比較或對照,並試以敘事學的理 論集中分析太史公的話語、「太史公曰」與《史記.列傳》之關係。

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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


Department of Chinese




Ssu Ma, Chien, -- approximately 145-approximately 86 B.C. -- Shih Chi

司馬遷, -- 約公元前 145-約公元前 86. -- 史記

China -- History -- To 221 B.C.

中國 -- 歷史 -- 至戰國時代, -公元前 221

China -- History -- Qin dynasty, 221-207 B.C.

中國 -- 歷史 -- 秦代, 公元前 221-公元前 207

China -- History -- Han dynasty, 202 B.C.-220 A.D.

中國 -- 歷史 -- 漢代, 公元前 202-公元 220



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