
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


澳門政制發展中的立法會間接選舉制度 = Indirect election system of Legislative Council in the constitutional development of Macau

English Abstract

Modifications of these two important laws of the Macau Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Election and Legislative Council electoral methods, experienced during the period from December 2011 to August 2012, the Constitutional Development "Five Steps" and local-legislation at all stages. I believe that the system of indirect election of the Legislative Council as Macau's an important democratic system exists, regardless of their historical background as well as the history of the evolution of future development reflects Macau's unique political culture and socio-economic development, Therefore, to discuss the development of the system of indirect election of the Legislative Council in the process of the development of the political system in Macau, it must be based on the diverse social environment of Macau. First, this paper will use historical analysis of the method to analyze the formation and development of the historical evolution of the political system of Macao as well as the modern form of the parliamentary model; Second, the method through empirical analysis, go from day-to-day operations of the Legislative Council to find indirect elections the role of the system, and discuss the question of the legitimacy of the presence of indirect election of the legislative Council of Macao as well as the future development, again, through the comparative analysis method to reveal the Macao legislative Council electoral system exists with some of the common law system and the parliamentary system of civil law countries the essential difference; Finally, the combination of the latest revision of the "Legislative Council electoral methods in analysis, research on the system of indirect election of the legislative Council to modify its modification and the future may further improvement. Keywords: Legislative Council of Macao, Indirect election of Legislative Council, Constitutional Development, Members of the Legislative Council of Macao

Chinese Abstract

自2011年12月至 2012年8月期間,於澳門特別行政區《行政長官選舉辦法》和《立法會議員選舉辦法》這兩部重要法律的修改,經歷了政制發展“五部曲”和本地立法各個階段。筆者認爲立法會間接選舉制度作爲澳門的一種重要的民主制度而存在,無論其產生的歷史背景以及歷史演變,還是今後的發展都體現了澳門特有的政治文化以及社會經濟發展情况。因此,在澳門政治制度發展的過程中研究立法會間接選舉制度的發展,就必須以澳門多元化的社會環境為基礎。 本文首先将以歷史分析的方法來分析澳門政治制度的歷史演變過程以及現代形式的議會模式形成及其發展過程;其次,将通過實證分析的方法,立法会的日常運作中分析間接選舉制度的作用,並討論澳門立法會間接選舉存在以及未來發展的正當性問题,再次,通過對比分析的方法來揭示澳門立法会制度與一些英美法係及大陸法係國家的議會制度所存在的異同;最後,结合最新修訂的《立法會議員選舉辦法》中關於立法會間接舉制度的修改進行分析,研究其修改的合理性以及未來可能進一步改善的地方。 關鍵詞:澳門立法會,間接選舉,政制發展,立法會議員

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Faculty of Law




Elections -- Macau

選舉 -- 澳門

Legislative bodies -- Macau

立法機關 -- 澳門

Macau -- Politics and government

澳門 -- 政治及政府



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