
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


論電子化一般合同條款的控制模式 = A study about control modes of general contract clauses in the E-contract

English Abstract

Abstract A study about control modes of general contract clauses in the E-contract Rong Qi, Master of Law in Chinese Language Program Directed by Wei Dan The present thesis seeks to solve those legal questions arised from using general contract clauses under e-contracting environment, from the angle of control mode. Thus, the thesis is divided into four parts: The first part aims to clarify the historical and social origin of general contract clause system, by using comparative analysis method which includes the comparison between systems of different countries, identical concepts, so as to draw a general picture of the applicable legal system we are going to talk about; The second part seeks to establish the framework of the article, focuses on legal system of general contract clause (namely the Law n.° 17/92/M), goes through different control modes as prescribed by the law, from inclusion to content, from the concrete to abstract mode, as well as the respective legal consequences. In the third part, a brief introduction will be given to the E-contracting, his typical characteristics, contracting procedure and execution, by which the meaning of “electronic general contract clauses” shall be well defined. Some innovative attempts show in the fourth part, which consist in figuring out how the tradition general contract clauses under a transcational environment totally new, how the law shall react effectively towards the “dressed up" abusive clauses. Finally, as conclusion part, we will try to see whether is possible to impreve the current legal system, namely the Law n.° 17/92/M, hopefully to fill in the legal blanks occurred due to the backward systems facing technological progresses. Keywords: general contract cause, E-contracting, Law n.° 17/92/M, control modes

Chinese Abstract

摘要 本文旨在從控制模式的角度切入,嘗試解决電子訂約環境下使用一般合同條款所引發的法律問题。 本文之論述分四部分展開: 第一部份,正本清源,探尋一般合同條款制度的歷史及社會淵源,通過運用比較分析法,包括制度比较、概念比較,確立核心概念,初步了解一般適用的法律制度; 第二部份,構建框架,著力分析傳統的一般合同條款法律制度(第17/92/M號法律)尤其其控制模式,按合同訂立之步驟,從納入控制到内容控制,從具體控制到抽象控制,依次論述,同时闡釋不同控制模式的法律後果; 第三部份,完成定位,概括性介紹電子合同訂約及履行的一般特徵,通過多項概念的辨析,明確界定電子化一般合同條款的内容; 第四部分,創新論證,探究電子化交易模式下,傳統的一般合同條款發生怎樣的變異,設想對於這種以新姿熊呈現的“霸王”條款,法律應如何加以有效控制; 最後在結論部分,將試析完善現行的法律制度(即第 17/92M 號法律)的必要性,冀以之彌補因“法律制訂通常滞後於技術發展”所帶來的規範空白。 關鍵字:一般合同條款、電子訂約、第 17/92/M 號法律、控制模式

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Faculty of Law




Electronic contracts


Electronic contracts -- Macau

電子合約 -- 澳門

Contracts -- Automation

合約 -- 自動化

Clauses (Law)

條款 (法律)



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