
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


廣東閩方言今讀 [h] 的層次分析 = On strata of the [h]-initial in Yue and Min dialects in Guangdong

English Abstract

The voiceless glottal fricative [h] in Yue and Min dialects in Guangdong is the focus of this study, which consists of 4 chapters: foreword, distribution of the [h]-initial, strata of the [h]-initial and conclusion. The [h]-initial originates in “fei”, “fu”, “feng”, “tou”, “ding”, “xiao”, “xia”, and “yun” initials of Qieyun phonetic system. As a result of sound change and language contact, the [h] sound has a very complex strata presentation, especially the multi-stratum situation caused by a variety of evolution modes. Firstly, historical stratum is related to sound change, like “xia” became a voiceless consonant from a voiced one ([ɣ]>[h]), and “tou”&“ding” lost the plosive feature ([th ]>[h]). So the [h]-initial from “xia”, “tou” and “ding” is the phonetic form of its later evolutionary phases. Secondly, historical stratum is related to language contact. For instance, some pronunciations of “fei”, “fu” and “feng” in Zhongshan dialect, which is one type of Yue dialects, are similar to Min dialect. So the [h] sound could be the heterologous form in this area. Lastly, the multi-stratum situation can be discussed in two cases. One is that the [h]-initial of “xi” in western Guangdong Min dialect contains homologous forms and heterologous forms caused by the coordination of synchronic sound change and language contact. The other is that [h]-initial of “yun” in Shunde dialect can be divided into the early forms and later forms under the synergism of sound change and analogy. By discussing the different characteristics of strata, in both diachronic and synchronic evolutions, we can draw a conclusion that both homologous divergence and language contact can lead to different strata. These strata can be called early forms and later forms, or homologous forms and heterologous forms.

Chinese Abstract

本文以清喉擦音[h]作為研究對象,考察、比較廣東省內粵、閩方言今讀[h] 的歷史層次。全文由緒論、[h]音分佈、[h]音歷史層次的不同性質、結論等四部 份組成。 [h]在粵、閩方言中並不總是具有相同的層次(歷史同一性),其來源主要有 非組、透母、定母、溪母、曉母、匣母和云母等聲紐。對層次的分析,應從歷時 音變和方言接觸兩方面去考察,進而探討在不同演變方式作用下的多重層次。 第一,從歷時音變看歷史層次,筆者以匣母“濁音清化”(ɣ>h)和透、定母 “塞音脫落”(th >h)為例進行討論,認為[h]在以上聲紐中屬於晚期層次。第二, 從方言接觸看歷史層次,則以中山粵語非組字部份今音讀同閩語為例,認為[h] 屬於異源層次。第三,多重層次分兩種情況:1、歷時音變和方言接觸共同作用 下的同源、異源層,如粵西閩語溪母字讀[h];2、由音變與類比的不同作用而分 出早期、晚期形式,如順德等地粵語云母讀[h]。 結合歷時和共時兩個層面,筆者對歷史層次的不同性質進行論述,並認為同 源分化會形成層次,語言接觸也同樣會產生層次。我們應全面考察,而不能將層 次分析過於簡單化。 關鍵詞:粵方言、閩方言、清喉擦音[h]、歷時音變、方言接觸、歷史層次

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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


Department of Chinese




Chinese language -- Dialects -- China -- Canton (Kuang Tung Province) -- Phonetics

漢語 -- 方言 -- 中國 -- 廣州 (廣東省) -- 語音學

Chinese language -- Dialects -- China -- Canton (Kuang Tung Province) -- Dialects

漢語 -- 方言 -- 中國 -- 廣州 (廣東省) -- 方言



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