
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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話語標記 "X是" 的連貫建構功能研究 : 以 "就是"、"但是" 為例 = A study on the coherent functions of discourse markers X-Shi : a case study of Jiushi and Danshi

English Abstract

Discourse marker (DM) has been a widely discussed topic in linguistic world.As a pragmatic device peculiar to oral communication act,DM demonstrates great importance in the coherence of context. In this paper, regarding the construction of the conversation as a dynamic process, we describe and analyze how the two discourse markers “jiushi”and“danshi”contribute to the coherence of the contextbased on an abundant conversation corpus. We distinguished the two level of context coherencethe local coherence and the global coherence. The structuring and organizational function of “of “jiushi”and “danshi”was thoroughly studied, and comparison between the two items has been made and reasoning has been given. Studies show that “jiushi”and “danshi” can operate on both local level and global level, but the specific methods are different. We find that : “Jiushi”is mainly used to foreground the current topic on local coherence level, while restart a passed-by topic by restating. “Danshi” always serves as a marker of topic shifts and topic drifts when it operates on local level, while as a presage of coming contrast that appears after some inserted sentences, or a marker of the returning of a former topic. The specific patterns through which they carry out their function are different. “Danshi”encounters more limitation than”jiushi” in its location of the turn, the phonetics form, the length of the sentence following it and also the way it shifts the topic. The residues of their different originalusage on pragmatic level should be the key factor of this phenomenon. We hold the opinion that researching on DM with two distinct perspective-local coherence perspective and global coherence perspective-will help us get a better understanding of how the conversationalists produce and interpret the discourse, and also will lead to a deeper reveal of the grammarin oral usage.

Chinese Abstract

關於話語標記的相關問題是近年來語言學界關注的熱點。已有研究表明,作為會話交 際中特有的一種語用成分,話語標記一方面能夠幫助說話者將零散的話語組織成有序的語 篇,另一方面能夠促進聽話者對於話語之間、話語和語境之間關係的理解,因此在聽說雙 方建構連貫語篇的過程中起著極為重要的作用。本文著眼於動態的交際過程,結合自然的 口語會話語料,嘗試運用代表性的個案研究細緻考察話語標記‚X 是‛的語篇連貫建構功 能。 首先,我們將語篇的連貫區分為整體連貫和局部連貫兩個層次,系統考察並對比分析 話語標記‚就是‛和‚但是‛在不同層面的連貫建構功能。研究表明,‚就是‛和‚但是‛ 都可以在語篇的局部層面和整體層面發揮連貫建構功能,但不同的連貫層次二者發揮作用 的具體方式並不相同,表現為: (一)‚就是‛在建構局部連貫時,其主要作用在於將當前的話題進行前景化,而在 建構整體連貫時,‚就是‛一般通過重複先前話語將一個已過話題重新開啟。 (二)‚但是‛在建構局部連貫時,通常被用以標記話題開啟和切換,或者用以提示 話題的輕微偏轉;在建構整體連貫時,它可以預示即將出現的轉折和對照,或標記話題的 回歸和重啟。 (三)實際使用中,二者在核心意義、出現位置、語音形式、具體連貫方式和前後語 篇篇幅均等方面均表現出一定差異。我們認為二者舊有用法在語用層面的殘留是導致上述 差異的重要因素。 我們認為,在區分語篇整體連貫和局部連貫的視角下,有利於更細緻、深入地考察話 語標記的語篇連貫建構功能,並進一步了解和掌握口語語法規律。 關鍵字 話語標記,整體連貫,局部連貫,就是,但是

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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


Department of Chinese




Discourse markers


Chinese language -- Discourse analysis

漢語 -- 話語分析



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