
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


馬禮遜 "華英字典" 傳統經典引用研究 = Research of traditional and classical citation in Robert Morrison's A Dictionary of the Chinese Language

English Abstract

The publication of ‘A Dictionary of the Chinese Language’ plays an important role in the Sino-Western cultural interaction. It is the first English-Chinese and Chinese-English dictionary in the world, which gives the Chinese and Western an opportunity to learn and recognize each other intimately. This dictionary incorporates Chinese history, geography, political studies, economy, culture, etc, which is a key for the foreigners to open the Chinese cultural thesaurus. The citation of ‘A Dictionary of the Chinese Language’ is different from the dictionaries that we use nowadays. Besides of the traditional classic sentences, it further makes use of the relevant explanation in other field, for example, medical science, law, religion, etc. Compare to the official compilation ‘Kang-he’s Dictionary’, this dictionary can well reflect our Chinese culture in various ways. This unmatchable superiority shows its contribution to the Sino-Western cultural interaction, and because of this, it attracts researchers to widely discuss its values. This thesis is divided into five parts: Chapter 1 is the introduction of this thesis. We first briefly introduce ‘A Dictionary of the Chinese dictionary’ and its author, Robert Morrison. Later, we will list out the aim, scope, and the methodology used in this thesis. Chapter 2 shows the statistical results of our research area, and we will discuss the use of citation thoroughly. Chapter 3 is the core of this thesis. We will analyze the statistical results listed in the previous chapter, and make a conclusion of the characteristics of citation used in this dictionary. Based on the use of citation, chapter 4 is trying to make some inferences showing why Robert Morrison selected these citations and his consideration of using such sentences. Chapter 5 is the conclusion of the thesis. We will induct the precious value of the dictionary based on our research background and the contribution of the dictionary.

Chinese Abstract

《華英字典》的出版,在中西文化交流史上,具有劃時代的意義。《華英字典》 是世界第一部英漢、漢英字典,這部字典的誕生,令中西雙方對彼此都有更深入 的了解,當中詳細記載了中國的歷史、地理、政治、經濟、文化等,猶如為外國 人打開了一扇通往中國文化的大門。 《華英字典》在引用方面獨樹一格,除了傳統的經典語句外,更廣泛收錄各 領域著作的語句,其中包括醫學、法律、宗教等,令《華英字典》能更廣泛、全 面地反映中國文化。即使由官方敕令編纂、具權威性的《康熙字典》,也尚未能 及,這正體現出此課題研究的價值。 本論文的正文分五章: 第一章為緒論,先對《華英字典》及作者馬禮遜進行簡介,再述本論文的研 究目的、範圍、思路及方法。 第二章主要把統計所得的數據化成圖表,描寫《華英字典》的引用情況。 第三章利用數據的分析,歸納出《華英字典》在引用上的特徵。 第四章試圖根據《華英字典》的引用特徵,推論馬禮遜在選擇引用這些語句 背後所蘊含的文化意圖。 第五章為結語,透過對此課題的總結,歸納出《華英字典》在引用上有著承 先啟後的重大價值。 關鍵詞:馬禮遜、《華英字典》、引用、傳統經典引用、中西文化交流

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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


Department of Chinese




Morrison, Robert, -- 1782-1834. -- Dictionary of the Chinese language

馬禮遜, -- 1782-1834. -- 華英字典

Chinese language -- Dictionaries -- English

漢語 -- 字典 -- 英語

English language -- Dictionaries -- Chinese

英語 -- 字典 -- 漢語

Quotations, Chinese -- Translations into English

漢語引文集及語錄集 -- 英文譯本



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