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馬禮遜 "華英字典" 稱謂語研究

English Abstract

A Dictionary of the Chinese Language was the first major Chinese-English dictionary compiled by foreign scholar Robert Morrison in the early 19th century. With a rich content, a large vocabulary and accurate translation, it played a crucial role in recording the Chinese language and spreading Chinese culture. The “encyclopedic dictionary” also witnessed the cultural clash and exchange between China and the west in the 19th century. Robert Morrison, as a Christian Protestant missionary, had to first know the Chinese culture for preaching, which also demanded a good command of Chinese language and excellent communication skills. And Appellations are among the most frequently used part of language. Appellation, as a reflection of the relationship between people like kinship, people’s status and occupation, are an indispensable language tool for people to establish and keep connections in any country or society. What’s more, they also serve as a window to a particular culture. This article consists of four sections. The first section is introduction which gives a brief summary of the dictionary and related study, as well as the purpose, range and method of this study. Meanwhile, the object of study, that is, the appellation in A Dictionary of the Chinese Language is also introduced in the first section. The second section focuses on the detailed description of the appellations in the dictionary, categorized pragmatically and also by different objects addressed, to explore a whole picture of the terms. The third section, as the core of the study, analyses the terms and gets the four features of them — innovation, accuracy, practicality and culture-orientation. The last section is conclusion, which concludes the article with a summary of study findings.

Chinese Abstract

《華英字典》是出現於十八世紀初期中國的第一部由外國學者馬禮遜編纂的 大型漢英雙語字典。該字典內容豐富,收字廣泛,翻譯實用,在記錄漢語和傳播 中國文化方面起到了尤為重要的作用,這部“百科全書式”的字典見證了十九世 紀中西之間的文化碰撞與交融。 馬禮遜作為來華傳教士,在傳教的過程中必須首先深入瞭解中國文化,掌握 一定的語言能力和良好的人際溝通技巧。而在人際交往中首先涉及的用語就是稱 謂語,“稱謂”是人們由於親屬和別方面的相互關係,以及由於身份、職業等等 而得來的名稱,在任何國家社會中,稱謂語都是人們建立和保持聯繫的不可缺少 的語言手段。稱謂語不僅是人際交往中必不可缺的一部分,也是人們瞭解民族文 化的一個突破口。 本文共分四部份,第一部份為引言,主要對《華英字典》以及其前人研究作 概況說明,同時概述研究目的、研究範圍和研究方法,以及本課題的研究對象—— 《華英字典》稱謂語的基本面貌。第二部份重點對這些稱謂語語料進行細緻的描 寫,按照稱謂對象的不同和語用不同將這些稱謂語分為不同類別,從中探求《華 英字典》稱謂語的總體面貌。第三部份是研究的中心,從描述的這些稱謂語的整 體情況剖析得出《華英字典》稱謂語具有開創性、準確性、實用性和文化性的收 錄特徵。第四部份為結語,主要是對研究結果進行概括和總結。 關鍵詞:馬禮遜;《華英字典》;稱謂語;特徵

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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


Department of Chinese




Morrison, Robert, -- 1782-1834. -- Dictionary of the Chinese language

馬禮遜, -- 1782-1834. -- 華英字典

Chinese language -- Dictionaries -- English

漢語 -- 字典 -- 英語

English language -- Dictionaries -- Chinese

英語 -- 字典 -- 漢語

Chinese language -- Address, Forms of

漢語 -- 稱謂

Forms of address -- China

稱謂 -- 中國



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