
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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馬禮遜 "華英字典" 人名特徵研究

English Abstract

200 years ago, the first Protestant Missionary Robert Morrison, compiled A Dictionary of the Chinese Language, which is a Chinese-English Bilingual reference book, for the Europeans to learn Chinese and understand China. This six-volume masterpiece, embraced the China-related history, culture, politics, geography, folklore, and other encyclopedic content, and witnessed the culture collision with the blend between China and the West in the 19th century. In Morrison‘s point of view, the main purpose of the Dictionary was always to communicate the Chinese language and its culture to the Europeans. He also insisted that when learning a foreign language, knowledge of linguistics itself was admittedly important, but if one could not respect and understand the culture of this nation, so would not really master that language. The names of persons must be one of the basic knowledge for the people to grasp as it associate with the history and the society, then although the Dictionary was not devoted to the introduction of persons names, it still collected some Chinese-related names or Western ones intentionally or unintentionally. This article is based on these limited persons names investigated from Robert Morrison‘s Dictionary, and with the method of the quantitative statistics, the qualitative analysis, the comprehensive description and the comparative study, the auther are trying to analysis the hidden information behind these symbols, to gradually brighten the whole picture of the historical Chinese people, and to reveal the characteristics of the persons names in the Dictionary.

Chinese Abstract

兩百年前,首位來華基督新教傳教士馬禮遜,編纂了一部供歐洲人學習漢 語、瞭解中國的漢英英漢雙語工具書《華英字典》。這部六卷本的巨著,囊括了 與中國相關的歷史、文化、政治、地理、民俗等“百科全書式”內容,見證了 19 世紀中西之間的文化碰撞與交融。 在馬禮遜看來,《華英字典》的主要目的始終在於向歐洲人傳播中國的語言 及其文化。他本人也堅持認為,要學習一門外語,語言學本身的知識固然重要, 但是如果不能尊重並理解這個民族的文化,那麼也將不得其要。 由於人名聯繫着歷史、聯繫着社會,是人們必須掌握的基本常識之一,因此, 儘管《華英字典》不是一部專門介紹人名的著作,卻也有意無意收錄了一些或與 中方有關或與西方有關的人名。 本論文的中心便是要綜合運用定量統計、定性分析、全面描寫和對比研究的 方法,透過這些有限的可以窮盡的人名,具體考察出其在《華英字典》中的收錄 及分佈情況、結構形式及特點、文化分類及內涵,試圖以此還原出《華英字典》 下的中國歷史人文面貌圖,且嘗試從《華英字典》對“人名”知識的介紹、其所 記錄的“大姓”與“大名”、其在“人名”記錄中的創新、其對“人名”的誤錄 等方面,反觀馬禮遜對人名,尤其是中國人名的認識,並由此揭示出《華英字典》 的“人名”編纂特徵。 關鍵詞:馬禮遜;《華英字典》;人名;特徵;中西文化交流

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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


Department of Chinese




Morrison, Robert, -- 1782-1834. -- Dictionary of the Chinese language

馬禮遜, -- 1782-1834. -- 華英字典

Chinese language -- Dictionaries -- English

漢語 -- 字典 -- 英語

English language -- Dictionaries -- Chinese

英語 -- 字典 -- 漢語

Names, Personal -- Chinese

人名 -- 華人



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