UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
馬禮遜 "華英字典" 物名詞特徵研究
- English Abstract
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Robert Morrison’s A Dictionary of the Chinese language is not only a dictionary for foreign people checking Chinese characters and learning the Chinese language, but also an encyclopedia for introducing various aspects of Chinese history, geography, culture, politics, economy, and people's livelihood in details. As the first Chinese-English bilingual dictionary in the world, its entries, styles and other aspects have proven invaluable in current bilingual dictionary research. We have searched out more than three thousand material names from this dictionary to as the blue print of the study. Based on a quantitative and qualitative research, the thesis will focus on interpretation of the characteristics of this dictionary including all-around content, wide variety of forms, significant points of trade, and further new words.
- Chinese Abstract
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馬禮遜《華英字典》非但为一部供外國人查閱漢字、學習漢語的 工具書,更是一部向外國人詳細介紹有關中國歷史、地理、文化、政 治、經濟、民生等各個方面知識的“百科全書”。作為世界上第一部 漢英英漢雙語字典,它的收詞、體例、形式等在近代雙語辭書編纂史 中具有極高的研究價值。我們以窮盡的方式提取出 3000 余個物名詞 并將其作為研究藍本,先將其分類,而後在定性定量分析的基礎上, 重點對這些物名詞所體現出的內容全面、形式多樣、商貿詞語突出、 新詞語頻現等特徵給以概括并深入的分析。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department
Department of Chinese
- Degree
- Subject
Morrison, Robert, -- 1782-1834. -- Dictionary of the Chinese language
馬禮遜, -- 1782-1834. -- 華英字典
Chinese language -- Dictionaries -- English
漢語 -- 字典 -- 英語
English language -- Dictionaries -- Chinese
英語 -- 字典 -- 漢語
Chinese language -- Terms and phrases
漢語 -- 短語及特別用語之研究
- Supervisor
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991002075129706306