
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


修身之路 : 廢名長篇小說的自省與自我實現書寫 = The road to self-cultivation : inner check and actualization writing in Fei Ming's novel

English Abstract

This thesis takes the point of the soul history of intellectual to research Fei Ming's three novels Bridge,The biography of Mr unwarranted and After Mr unwarranted taking a plane,aiming to point out that these three novels are reflects of inner check and self-actualization in the meaning of Chinese traditional self-cultivation. They have a common mode: a real-life hero who constantly examines inner self, leading himself to spiritual growth; the direction to be an ideal self is clear and definite, while the subjectivity of the novels is very strong. This mode has been conveyed differently by the changing of the times. In the novel Bridge, the author tried to construct a pastoral fairyland to reach a spiritual realm of true nature and empty emotion, with its tranquility and aesthetic tone, while the novel of The biography of Mr unwarranted led to internal transcendence integration Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, with battling waves in reality. When his novel After Mr unwarranted presented to the public, it is obvious that he plunged much more social reality into his writing, carrying out social criticism and cultural criticism at the Confucian standpoint, expounding and promoting the Chinese nation spirit whose connotation in his mind is virtue , with realism as its tone. The long change process could be summarized "reverse self-cultivation" road which means turning from "inner sageliness " to cultivating oneself in broader society, and undertaking social responsibility. The clue also reflects the change of the author's own perception of self-cultivation in real life. From 1920s and 1930s, the author tried to restrain himself, dispelling emotionalization and looking at life aesthetically,focusing on pure literature creation and exploration. Until post war 1940s, he inwardly cultivated himself in the meaning of Confucianism and outwardly expanded to expound and promote Confucianism through literature which has strong actuality concern and remarkble moralization idea, leading to the breakthrough in self-cultivation from just only self-cultivation to self-cultivation as well as benefiting the world. It reflects in the author's time, one can hardly cultivate himself alone and closely indeed, only engaging in broader society can one survive. VI

Chinese Abstract

本文從知識分子心靈史的角度研究廢名的三部長篇小說《橋》、《莫須有先生 傳》和《莫須有先生坐飛機以後》,指出三部小說是中國傳統修身意義上的自省與 自我實現書寫.它們有個共同的書寫模式,即一個自敘傳主人公,不斷地審視自我 人性,返身內修,通向精神ᨀ升,實現理想自我,這一通向理想自我的方向是明 確的,小說具有強烈的主觀色彩。這個模式在不同時期的小說中有不同書寫,從 《橋》在田園幻境中通向性真情空的心靈境界,寧靜、唯美為主調,到《莫須有 先生傳》在“十字街頭的塔”里,與現實的波瀾激蕩撕扯中,激烈掙扎著通向融 通儒道佛的內在超越,到《莫須有先生坐飛機以後》,融入廣闊的社會現實,以儒 學立場展開社會批評、文化批評,闡釋弘揚德性內涵的中華民族精神,現實性成 為主調,這一路走的是一條“反向修身”之路,即從“內圣”走向融入廣闊社會 現實中的修身正己,負起一定的現實擔當。這也是作者現實人生中修身觀的衍變, 從二十年代末至三十年代涵養心性祛除意氣化情感化,審美地看待人生,專注于 非功利的純文學創作與探索的修身觀轉變到抗戰後四十年代在內恪守儒學修持, 在外擴展到以文學書寫闡揚儒學理念,現實關懷,文學教化用心特出的修身觀, 實現由獨善其身擴展到既善其身又濟天下的修身突破。 關鍵詞:修身 自省 自我實現 佛家 道家 儒家 “反向修身”

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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


Department of Chinese




Feng, Wen Ping, -- 1901-1967 -- Criticism and interpretation

馮文炳, -- 1901-1967 -- 評論及解釋

Conduct of life




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