UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
不能夠終止的超越 : 論張煒小說創作中的救贖主題 = The infinite surpassing : a study on the theme of salvation in Zhang Wei's novels
- English Abstract
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Approaching from nature, Zhang Wei’s work delineates on the ethical suffering and exalts the salvation of humanity. He holds up moral awareness when writing, always reflexes upon human evil and criticizing the crimes people committed during the development of society. In the early reform and opening up period, when socio-cultural background changed rapidly, his work conveyed a strong sense of salvation. The word ‘salvation’ has strong religion connotation. People acquire energy from religious faith, reclaim the lost soul, and cleanse human evil so that they can enrich and perfect their spiritual world. Zhang Wei faithfully presents human suffering caused by survival, nature and humanity, and he establishes the idea of salvation through transcending the physical suffering. Deeply influenced by traditional Chinese culture, his thinking cannot break away from the restriction of social reality and consequently unable to push to the profound religious salvation. Nevertheless, his critical and painful thinking enlightens the path in the times when thoughts corrupted, feelings decay and humanity deserted. His exploration on the theme of salvation offers positive influences on future literary works on humanity, ideal and spirituality.
- Chinese Abstract
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張煒的作品多以融入自然為契機,在生命倫理的層面上感受苦 難、推崇人性的救贖。在創作中,他始終保持着道德自覺性,不斷反 省人性中存在的惡,批判人們在社會發展進程中犯下的罪。改革開放 初期,在社會文化形態發生急劇轉變的時代背景的影響下,他的作品 就自然而然地透露出一股強烈的救贖意識。『救贖』這個詞帶有濃厚 的宗教色彩,人們在宗教信仰中獲取力量,感化迷失的心靈,洗滌人 性中的罪惡,去除內心的混亂,進而豐富、完善自我的精神世界。張 煒直面苦難的追問,真實地呈現了生存、自然、人性等一系列因素所 造成的苦難,以回歸大地的姿態超脫苦難達到逍遙的境界,並形成自 己的救贖思想。然而,深受中國傳統文化影響的他,始終難以擺脫現 實社會對自己思想的牽絆,這一過程中的迷茫導致他最終無法走向宗 教那般救贖的深刻。但張煒沉重而痛苦的思考替人們在這個思想墮 落、情感頹廢、人性荒涼的時代裡點燃了前行的路燈。他在關於『救 贖主題』上所進行的探索也為文學作品在人性、理想和精神等方面的 創作起到一定的積極意義。 關鍵詞:長篇小說 救贖 迷途 局限 意義
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department
Department of Chinese
- Degree
- Subject
Chang, Wei, -- 1956 Nov. 7- -- Criticism and interpretation
張煒, -- 1956, 11 月 7- -- 評論及解釋
Life in literature
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001990659706306