UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
Study on the provision of universal design in five-star hotels in Macau
- English Abstract
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Abstract The research investigates the application of universal design in five-star hotels in Macao. The research aims to highlight the imperative of universal design to the hospitality industry of Macao due to ever increasing needs of accessible tourism and the deficiencies in existing provision of facilities in five-star hotels in Macao. It is also to arouse the awareness of the universal access requirement on design of hotel buildings and the potential market of accessible tourism in Macao. The examination to the current provision of facilities in five-star hotels in Macao by applying universal design principles is to help hotel managers to develop best practice of universal design through a greater understanding of real people which exist in diverse abilities and to maximize business from this valuable market of accessible tourism. By providing the right facilities and services the hotel industry of Macao can be more attractive to all tourists and competitive in the fierce tourism market to gain more return visits. The findings of the study also give recommendations to the Macao government on constituting a comprehensive legislation of barrier-free design, strengthening the implementation of design requirement throughout the whole process of building control, hence, promulgate the application of universal design principles to the built environment, especially in the hospitality industry. Keywords: accessible hotel accommodation, universal design, Macao
- Issue date
- Author
Ng, Shu Ki
- Faculty
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department
- Department of Management and Marketing
- Degree
- Subject
Hotels -- Macau
Hotels -- Decoration -- Macau
- Supervisor
Wan, Yim King
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001819029706306