UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
Turnover intention of casino employees
- English Abstract
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This study examined employees of casinos and casino hotels in Macau to understand their turnover intention. Pay satisfaction, job stress, and work-family conflict were assessed in relation to turnover intention. In this study, both quantitative and qualitative methodologies were adopted. In quantitative research, 434 questionnaires were distributed out to casino employees in 17 casinos and casino hotels. 303 valid questionnaires were returned. In qualitative research, 4 in-depth interviews were conducted in order to collect information on the employees’ job perceptions and intention. This study found pay satisfaction to be a strong negative predictor of turnover intention. The driver behind pay satisfaction was the fairness and increment of casino employees’ payments. In general, casino employees were not satisfied with their payments. The dissatisfied feelings on payment were associated with comparisons of payments received by other employees in the industry. Furthermore, work-family conflict was a positive predictor of turnover intention. The predictable power of work-family conflict was close to pay satisfaction. Therefore, increasing salary is not the only solution to turnover among casino employees. The findings should help improve turnover for Macau casinos and casino hotels. First, casinos ii can improve their pay increment system, such as improving the fairness in order to reflect employee’s job performance. Besides, the average pay increment should not be lower than the inflation rate of Macau. Second, casinos can establish a family-friendly policy in order to reduce employees’ work-family conflict. Lastly, money is not the best way to retain middle managers and experienced talents. Instead of money, casinos can pay more attention on employees’ recognition and job stress in order to retain them.
- Issue date
- Author
Ao, Chi Tat
- Faculty
Faculty of Business Administration
- Department
Department of Management and Marketing
- Degree
- Subject
Casinos -- Employees.
Gambling -- Employees.
Psychology, Industrial.
- Supervisor
Chan, Sow Hup
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001802919706306