UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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In recent years, countries around the world have been harmed by the public crisis in different degrees. Many developed countries such as Europe, the United States and Japan have used public relations means to deal with the crisis management, which has made lots of progress and played a good example to the Chinese government. In less than 10 years after “SARS” happened, the crisis public relations of Chinese government has also made some progress. However, the existing problems remain severe. In the background of transitional China and fast-developing new media, the crisis public relations of Chinese government have some new problems. This thesis is written to point out the problems and causes of the current crisis public relations of Chinese government by analyzing the effect of different public relations models. The thesis is divided into six chapters, one introduction, four bodies and one conclusion: Chapter Ⅰ introduction illustrates the purpose and significance of the topic, the related concepts, the nature, the border problem, the characteristics and classification of the government public relations. Chapter Ⅱ puts forward the innovative points of the study on the basis of concluding researches of many scholars and author’s own understanding of public relations. The relevant theories and research methods used in this thesis are also been told. Chapter Ⅲ illustrates the status of crisis public relations in foreign countries and China. Chapter Ⅳ researches on the five case studies and addressed the study finds. Chapter Ⅴ puts forward the reasons and existing problems of the Chinese government adopting different public relations models. Chapter Ⅵ summarizes the research of the topic and puts forward several views on the basis of above theoretical and factual analysis.
- Chinese Abstract
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近年来,世界各国都不同程度的受到公共危机的侵害。欧美、日本 等发达国家政府根据本国的实际情况,采取公共关系的手段对公共危机 进行管理,取得了一定的成效,这对中国政府的危机管理工作起到了一 定的示范作用。在“非典”事件之后不到 10 年的时间里,中国政府的危 机公关也取得了一定的成效,但存在的问题依然严峻。在网络等新媒体 的迅猛发展和中国处于社会转型期的背景下,中国政府危机公关又出现 了一些新问题。本文通过对公共关系模式在中国政府处理公共危机事件 的效果分析,指出了目前中国政府在危机公关中存在的问题和原因。 本文共分六章内容,由一章导论、四章正文和一章结论组成: 第一章导论,提出了选题的目的和意义,之后对政府危机公关的相 关概念和危机公关性质、边界问题、职责、特征及分类进行了说明。 第二章在总结前人对危机公关的大量认识基础上,结合本文对危机 公关的认识和理解,提出了本文研究的创新点,并指出了本文所运用到 的相关理论和研究方法。 第三章国内外危机公关发展现状,首先对国外的危机公关发展状况 进行了总结,之后对中国的公关环境和公关现状进行了概括。 第四章政府危机公关案例研究,对选取的五个案例进行了背景介绍 和分析,提出了本文的研究发现。 第五章中国政府采取不同公关模式的原因及存在问题,通过对第四 章的研究发现,指出了中国政府采取不同公共关系模式的原因及出现的问题。 第六章结论,在以上理论和事实分析的基础上,对这一课题进行了 总结,提出了几点看法。 关键词:公共关系模式;中国政府;危机公关效果
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department
Department of Government and Public Administration
- Degree
- Subject
Public relations -- China
公共關係 -- 中國
Public relations and politics -- China
公共關係與政治 -- 中國
Crisis management -- China
危機管理 -- 中國
- Supervisor
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001365979706306