
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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China in Africa : another neocolonial power or a new type of strategic partner?

English Abstract

This thesis intends to find out what China's real role in Africa: a neocolonial power, a new strategic partner, or just an egoist? Through the literature review and the relevant theories, there are three hypotheses of China's role in Africa. China is a neocolonial power in Africa is the first hypothesis. The second one is China is a new type of strategic partner of Africa. The last one is that China is neither a partner nor a colonizer of Africa. This thesis uses three parts to test the hypotheses. The first part is the historical review of Sino-African relations. China and Africa have built a long-term friendly relationship. The second part is the analysis of the present situation of Sino-African relations. This part shows that their close relationship has brought enormous benefits for the two sides, and China truly has given a lot of help to Africa's development. However, there are still some problems in their relations. The third part is the case study. There are two cases in this thesis: China's oil investment models in Africa and the trade frictions between China and Africa. The cases prove that China is not a neocolonial power in Africa. China's oil trades and investments in Africa not only meet China's energy needs, but also improve the development of Africa's infrastructure construction. Although China's cheap goods impact on Africa's markets, the trade cooperation is still necessary. However, it is too early to say China is a new strategic partner of Africa. China still has a long way to go.

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Zhang, Jia Xuan

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Government and Public Administration



China -- Foreign relations -- Africa

Africa -- Foreign relations -- China

China -- Foreign economic relations -- Africa

Africa -- Foreign economic relations -- China


Wang Jianwei

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