
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

In this study, action research was used to find out whether it was possible to implement the “Process-oriented model of writing instruction” in the Chinese argumentative writing lesson for Macao Junior Secondary Three students. It first began with data collection from the Junior Secondary Three students under the researcher’s instruction. The researcher collected this data through observations, interviews, questionnaires, and also from documentary analysis. Under this cyclical research process, the feasibility and effectiveness of this writing instruction was analyzed and explored. Ways to implement the “Process-oriented model of writing instruction” in the Chinese argumentative writing lesson for Macao Junior Secondary Three students: 1. Base on the real teaching situation, the teacher tries to adjust the teaching materials with the other Chinese teachers. 2. Base on the conditions and the problems encountered by the students in their writing process, the teacher tries to integrate the teaching key points of the “Process-oriented model of writing instruction” in the teaching activities, in which the writing instruction skills, such as planning, translating, reviewing etc. will be taught to the students. 3. Plan an appropriate whole year teaching plan and think about all the factors that may affect the daily teaching throughout the year. 4. Make good use of the class switching and other extra time to instruct the students to finish the writing task. 5. Guide students to examine their topic and the contents of their writing through discussion or asking questions. Then students have to work in groups to work out their writing together. Finally, they have to present their work to the whole class VI and the teacher will help them to modify their work in a better way. Teacher will gradually stop assisting the students and as a result, they can finish their work independently. After the implementation, the conclusions of this study are summarized in following: 1. Students with advanced, intermediate or elementary writing skills all went through the pre-writing planning stage and the result showed a significant difference in that those with advanced writing skills have better planning than those with intermediate or elementary writing skills. 2. Students with different levels of writing skill can decide what to write once the writing topic is given to them. However, it was shown that the advanced students were able to involve their ideas in their writing in a better way than the intermediate or the elementary ones. 3. Students with different levels of writing skills always tried to read the content of their writing and see whether it matched with the topic or not. It was further suggested that students with advanced writing skills were able to revise their work with satisfactions. However, those with intermediate writing skills could only do this by spending more time than the advanced ones. But, this was not the case for the elementary ones. They found it very difficult to modify the contents to the way they wanted. 4. It is significantly supported and agreed by the students that the “Process-oriented model of writing instruction” improves the writing qualities. Students with advanced or intermediate writing skills had more significant progress than those with elementary writing skills, in which they made progress in both the content as well as the organization of the article. And the progress from these two areas was better than the progress in the usage of the rhetoric. 5. It is significantly supported that the “Process-oriented model of writing VII instruction” had a positive impact on the students. It helps to increase students’ knowledge and interest in writing as well as to promote their writing efficacy. Finally, some suggestions for the implementation of the “Process-oriented model of writing instruction” in Macao as proposed according to the following areas: writing instruction curriculum, arrangement of the lesson time, teaching process, guiding, feedback.

Chinese Abstract

本研究以教師即研究者的方式,透過質性研究循環反饋的歷程,以研究者所 任教的班級同學為研究參與者,藉由觀察、訪談、問卷調查、文件分析等方式搜 集資料,以議論文為切入點,探討在本澳初中三年級語文課實施「歷程導向寫作 教學模式」 ( Process-oriented model of writing instruction ) 的方法及其實施 後的教學效果。最後對研究結果作出分析及具體建議,以供教育同工及未來研究 者參考。 本澳中學三年級中文課實施歷程導向寫作教學的方法如下: 一、 因應實際情況,與同級老師商討調整教材內容。 二、 按照同學寫作上的問題和客觀條件許可,把所要教導同學的寫作歷程和 相關教學重點,融入到特定的教學活動之中,以教導同學「計劃」、「轉 譯」、「檢視」等寫作歷程。 三、 考慮學校全年有可能影響課時的因素妥善規劃全年的教學日程。 四、 恰當地利用調課和其他課外時間來指導同學完成寫作任務。 五、 以討論和提問方式引導同學審題、立意,並增加師生互動,示範如何利 用所提供予同學的過程性協助來構建文章,隨後把寫作能力不同程度的 同學分配為同一組來展開討論修改,最後於課堂上與全班同學共同討論 分析作品,以鞏固寫作歷程和議論文寫作的相關知識。教師漸次撤離對 同學的協助,讓同學獨立完成寫作任務。教學實施後的結果發現: 一、 無論是高、中、低寫作能力同學,他們都有寫作前計劃的階段,只是 高 寫作能力同學計劃較為完整,中寫作能力同學次之,低寫作能力同學再 次。 二、 無論是高、中、低寫作能力同學,他們基本上都能夠在接到題目後想到 寫作方向。而把想法文字化、寫入文章的能力,則是高寫作能力同學較 為理想;中寫作能力同學一般;低寫作能力低同學較不理想。 三、 無論是高、中、低寫作能力同學,他們都會一直評估自己所寫出來的文 章內容是否與作文題目的要求相符。但評估後修改文章不足之處的情 況,則是高寫作能力同學較能改到令自己滿意;中寫作能同學仍能修改 到令自己滿意,但所花時間較寫作能力高的同學長;低寫作能力同學感 到難以修改致自己想要的內容。 四、 歷程導向寫作教學能提升同學的文章品質,同學們都認為這個教學法對 他們的寫作有很大幫助。中寫作能力同學的進步程度較大。而文章內容 思想和組織結構的進步程度比文字修辭大。 五、 歷程導向寫作教學能對同學有正面影響,並增加了同學關於寫作方面的 相關知識,提高同學對寫作的興趣和提升同學寫作上的自我效能。 最後分別從寫作教學課程設計、課時安排、教學過程、引導同學、回饋同學 等方面提供在本澳實施「歷程導向寫作教學模式」的建議。 關鍵字:澳門中學三年級、中文課、寫作、歷程導向寫作教學、議論文

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Faculty of Education



Chinese language -- Study and teaching (Middle school) -- Macau

漢語 -- 學習及教學 (高級小學至初級中學) -- 澳門

Chinese language -- Composition and exercises -- Study and teaching -- Macau

漢語 -- 作文及練習 -- 學習及教學 (高級小學至初級中學) -- 澳門



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