
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

The aim of this study is to find out the effects of the teaching models in astronomy science popularization — practical night sky teaching and practical night sky test / simulated night sky teaching and practical night sky test on the motivation and achievements of Macao senior secondary students in astronomical learning, which will help to understand the effects of different teaching models in astronomy science popularization on senior secondary school students in Macao and serve as a reference for the tutors and organizations engaging in the promotion of astronomy education. Through analyzing pre-test and post-test data, this study seeks : (1) to find out whether astronomy science popularization teaching can improve the learning motivation of the students with different school background and the learning effects so as to confirm the value of campus astronomical science promotion activities and serve as a reference for the further promotion of academic astronomy popularization in Macao region ; (2) to explore whether there are any differences arising from simulated night sky teaching or practical night sky teaching in astronomical learning motivation and learning effects. Based on the above mentioned purposes and methods , the conclusions for the study are as follows: (1) Different astronomy science popularization teaching models have no obvious effects on stimulating the motivation of Macao senior secondary students in astronomical learning; (2) Astronomy science popularization teaching models significantly improves students' astronomical learning achievements , while different teaching models cause no significant difference ; (3) There is no significant correlation of students’ astronomical learning motivation and achievements to the use of different astronomy science popularization teaching models; (4)There is no significant difference in astronomical learning achievement for Macao senior secondary students in different grades and gender after they have participated in astronomical science teaching activities ; (5) No significant difference exists in the total scale of astronomical learning motivation and in the dimensions of attentiveness, confidence and satisfaction for Macao senior secondary students in different grades, but significant difference exists in the dimension of relevance ; (6) No significant difference is found in the dimension of confidence and satisfaction in Macao senior secondary students of V different gender, but the dimensions of attentiveness and relevance reach significant level. Key words: Astronomical Education, Astronomy science popularization teaching, Learning motivation, Learning achievement

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在了解不同天文科普教學模式(真實星空教學真實星空測驗模式、電腦模 擬星空教學真實星空測驗模式)對澳門高中學生的天文學習動機、天文學習成就的影 響。研究的結果將有助於了解不同天文科普教學模式對澳門高中學生的影響,作為有志 於在澳門推廣天文教育的教師或天文教育團體的參考。 本研究的主要目的有二:(一)了解開展天文科普教學,是否能夠提升不同學校背景 學生天文學習動機與學習成效,以此確認本澳校園天文科普推廣活動的價值性,並以此 作為將來在本澳地區進行學界天文普及推廣的參考;(二)探討電腦模擬星空教學與真實 星空教學對於學生天文學習動機與學習成效是否有差異。 根據上述研究目的及方法,本研究獲得以下結論:(一)採用不同天文科普教學模式, 澳門高中生的天文學習動機無明顯差異;(二) 天文科普教學模式能顯著提高學生天文學 習成就,但學生接受不同教學模式天文學習成就無顯著差異;(三) 採用不同天文科普教 學模式,學生的天文學習動機與天文學習成就均無顯著相關性;(四) 不同年級、性別澳 門高中學生參加天文科普教學活動後,對於其天文學習成就並無顯著差異;(五) 以不同 年級之澳門高中生而言,在天文學習動機總量表和注意、信心和滿足三個構面並無顯著 差異存在,但不同年級受試者在關聯構面上有顯著差異存在;(六) 不同性別之澳門高中 生在信心和滿足兩個構面皆無顯著差異,在注意和關聯兩個構面皆達顯著水平。 關鍵詞:天文教育、天文科普教學、學習動機、學習成就

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Faculty of Education




Astronomy -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

天文學 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門

Motivation in education -- Macau

教育中的推動力 -- 澳門

Academic achievement

教育水平; 學生水平



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