
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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透過分析PISA 2009調查數據探討澳門學生網頁檢索導航行為對數碼閱讀素養表現的影響

English Abstract

The present study seeks to examine the processes and results of reading literacy assessment using contemporary digital texts and traditional print texts. Though analyzing PISA 2009 study data, effects of webpage navigation behaviours on Macao students’ digital reading literacy performance are analyzed from the international comparative education perspective. To compare the differences between digital texts and print texts in reading literacy assessment, PISA2009 assessment framework is used for reference in the present study by the researcher. In accordace with the contents and coding guides of the PISA2009 digital reading released test items, the text processing and webpage navigation behaviours of the assessment tasks at each proficiency level are first summarized. Then, descriptive and inferential statistics are used in analysing students’ webpage navigation behaviours recorded in the PISA2009 digital reading literacy assessment system. Differences between the 15-year-old students in Macao and those in other countries/economies are examined. These analyses help speculate the possible relationships between webpage navigation behaviours and digital reading literacy performance. There are three important findings of the present study: (1) The contents conveyed in digital texts is similar to that of the print texts in PISA2009 assessment. However, their forms as revealed in the assessment tasks are different. Students have to possess certain kinds of webpage navigation knowledge and abilities so as to undertake the assessment tasks; (2) Students have to deal with lots of irrelevant texts and there is a need for them to find out the relevant ones through the use of webpage navigation tools. Important of all, students have to determine all the relevant texts and understand 3 the interrelationships of the texts read during their webpage navigation; (3) Analyses results show that “number of relevant pages visited” is the most significant webpage navigation behavior affecting digital reading literacy performance, and the associated gender differences are also found statistically significant for the Macao students in PISA 2009. Keywords: webpage navigation behaviour, digital reading literacy, PISA, Macao

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在檢視當代數碼文本與傳統書面文本在閱讀素養評核過程和結果 的差異,透過分析 PISA2009 調查數據從比較教育視角探討澳門學生網頁檢索導 航行為對數碼閱讀素養表現的影響。 研究者引用 PISA2009 的數碼與書面閱讀素養框架,比較數碼文本與書面文 本在評核形式上的差異。接着根據 PISA2009 公開試題內容及其評分標準,歸納 出學生在完成各水平任務中所體現的文本處理和網頁導航行為。最後利用 PISA2009 數碼閱讀評核期間所記錄的學生網頁導航行為進行描述性與推理性統 計分析,探討澳門十五歲中學生與其他國家/經濟體學生的網頁檢索導航行為的 差異,從而推測此行為與數碼閱讀素養表現可能存在的關係。 研究發現有三:(1) 數碼文本與書面文本在 PISA2009 評核中的內容雖然雷 同,但形式上則具有差異,學生必需具備一定的網頁檢索導航知識和能力才能處 理好數碼文本的任務;(2) 學生完成 PISA2009 的數碼閱讀任務,需處理很多不 相關的文本,使用導航工具將相關文本導出,學生需判斷文本導出的必要性及文 本內容的相關性;(3) 網頁檢索導航行為的分析顯示「相關網頁訪問數量」與數 碼閱讀素養表現對澳門中學生在統計上最具顯著的關係,並且存在著顯著的性別 差異。 關鍵字:網頁導航行為、數碼閱讀素養、PISA、澳門

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Faculty of Education




Internet searching -- Macau

網上搜索 -- 澳門

Reading (Secondary) -- Macau

閱讀 (高中) -- 澳門

Students -- Rating of -- Macau

學生 -- 評級 -- 澳門



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