
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this study aims at analyzing the music textbooks at the primary school in Macau and Shandong, China. According of the survey, "Longman Music" and " the Compulsory Education Experiment Music "were the most popular music textbooks used at the primary school in Macau and Shandong, China. Besides , the researcher further exams the contents of the two music textbooks from the aspects of "The Selection of Songs"," Music Theory "," Music Appreciation ", "The Selection of Music Notation”, “The Use of Music Instruments”, “The Use of the International Music Methods " ," The Creative Activities " ," The Cross Discipline Study " and " The Application to the Society ” . Furthermore, the researcher detailed analyzed the contents of textbooks from the responses of the teachers’ questionnaires and analyzed the music textbooks based on the curriculum standard from the two regions of the two music textbooks. The findings of the study are: (1) Lacking of systematic and integrated contents in both textbooks; (2) The shortage of music history and the relevant information of the composers and Lacking of the creative activities in both textbooks;(3) The use of Music scores were not systematical and More musical instruments learning can be included in the textbooks of the two regions; (4) Lacking of the inclusion of the international music methods in both regions and Lacking of the relevant contents to the society; (5) Lacking of the complete understanding of the curriculum standard of the Macau music teachers; (6) The current music teachers expect the music textbooks can be more systematic in both regions.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在比較分析澳門與中國山東兩地小學音樂教科書各個主題在不同 階段之編輯情況,以兩地大多數小學現行使用的朗文香港教育出版社出版的 《朗文音樂》小學音樂教科書(以下簡稱朗文版)以及人民音樂出版社出版 的《義務教育課程標準實驗教科書---音樂》(以下簡稱人音版)作為研究對象, 並依據相關理論和他人研究結果整理發展而成的“小學音樂教科書內容分析 類目表”作為研究工具;此外藉由內容分析法檢視兩套小學音樂教科書中「歌 曲選材來源」、「基本練習」、「音樂欣賞」、「樂譜選用」、「樂器」、「國際音樂 教學法之具體實踐」、「創作活動」、「與其他學科之關聯」以及「與社會生活 之關聯」九個主題之編輯情況。另外,藉由問卷調查法瞭解小學音樂教師對 教科書內容編排的意見與建議。研究結果發現:1)各知識點之編排缺乏系統 性與科學性;2)音樂欣賞與創作活動之相關內容涵蓋較少;3)樂譜與樂器學 習形式單一;4)缺乏國際音樂教學法之具體實踐、與其它學科以及社會生活 相關連之內容;5)近半的澳門受訪教師對教學大綱缺乏瞭解;6)兩地教師均 期望教科書在系統性、全面性以及統整性方面得以完善與提升。 從研究結果來看,兩套小學音樂教科書在內容編排方面仍存在很大的提 升空間,筆者亦針對研究結果提出相關建議,以供教師、教科書編輯者以及 教育行政部門參考。 關鍵字:音樂教科書、內容分析、主題

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Faculty of Education




Music -- Instruction and study -- Macau

音樂 -- 指導及學習 -- 澳門

Music -- Instruction and study -- China -- Shan Tung Province

音樂 -- 指導及學習 -- 中國 -- 山東省

Music -- Textbooks

音樂 -- 教科書研究



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