
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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國內音樂教育專業畢業生就業影響信念之研究 : 以黑龍江省為例

English Abstract

Finding a job is one of the main purposes for people who pursue higher education .The employment for newly college graduates has been a major social concern. In this study, we distributed the questionnaires to newly music education major graduates in Heilongjiang Province , and explored how their beliefs on employment. This research on the employment influence beliefs is divided into four specific aspects : social influence beliefs, curriculum influences beliefs, personal influence and family influence beliefs . Our findings are as follows: The status quo of the employment influence beliefs: Music education graduates employment beliefs certainly has a positive effect, but through the score from the questionnaire, we can see that there are still some issues that needs to be solved, for instance, the content of the curriculum should be adjusted according to the needs to current job market, and for those newly graduates, they should be more open-minded about the employment The employment influence beliefs under the different backgrounds: 1. the males ‘social influence beliefs and the curriculum influence beliefs are more positive than the females’ ; 2. graduates who have intern experience have more positive employment influence beliefs than the graduates who don’t have, expect family influence beliefs ‘difference was not significantly different ; 3. The graduates whose parents engaged in art class work has a more positive family influence beliefs and social influence beliefs than the graduates whose parents don’t. 4. the rural students’ curriculum influences beliefs and personal influence beliefs are more positive than the urban students’; family influence beliefs is more negatively than the urban students. 5. The graduates who has find a job has a more positively curriculum influences beliefs and personal influence beliefs than the students who has not find a job . At last, we made suggestions to the music education graduates based on societies, curriculums, individual and family these four aspects.

Chinese Abstract

大學生就業問題是一個備受關注的社會問題,就業在一定程度上說是高等教 育的主要目的之一。本研究從實證出發,對黑龍江省音樂教育專業應屆畢業生就 業影響信念進行調研,本研究的就業影響信念具體為四個面向:社會影響信念、 課程影響信念、個人影響信念和家庭影響信念。通過學生對「音樂教育專業大學 生就業影響信念調查問卷」的填答,展現音樂教育專業大學生就業影響信念的現 況和不同背景變項下學生就業影響信念的差異情況。 主要發現如下: 一、就業影響信念的現況 音樂教育專業畢業生的就業影響信念呈現出一定的積極正向效果,但透過四 個面向影響信念的的具體題目得分看仍然存在一些有待于進一步完善和解決的 問題,比如對就業諮詢和發展趨勢的預測需要加強,學校課程內容應適當調整更 新並與就業需求對接,畢業生個人的就業觀應更加開放等。 二、不同背景變項下就業影響信念的主要差異 (一)男生的社會影響信念和課程影響信念較女生更積極正向。 (二)有兼職經歷的畢業生除家庭影響信念差異不顯著外,其就業影響信念 整體看較無社會實踐經歷的畢業生更加積極正向且積極正向程度相對明顯。 (三)父母從事藝術類工作的學生其家庭影響信念和社會影響信念積極正向 程度高於父母不從事藝術類職業的畢業生。 (四)出生地在農村的畢業生其課程影響信念和個人影響信念較出生地在城 市的學生更加積極正向,但家庭影響信念較城市學生相對消極。 (五)已經就業的畢業生課程影響信念和個人影響信念積極正向程度高於未 II 就業的學生。 最後針對音樂教育專業畢業生就業問題,從社會,課程,個人和家庭四個 面項提出建議。 關鍵詞:就業 、 音樂教育專業畢業生、 就業影響信念

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Faculty of Education




Music -- Instruction and study -- China -- Hei Lung Kiang Province

音樂 -- 指導及學習 -- 中國 -- 黑龍江省

College students -- Employment -- China -- Hei Lung Kiang Province

大專學生 -- 就業 -- 中國 -- 黑龍江省



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