
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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論衝突中和衝突後社會的法治 : 聯合國的行動及中國的貢獻

English Abstract

This study mainly focuses on the rule of law in conflict and post-conflict societies (hereinafter conflict societies), on the perspective of the efforts of the UN. Through a critical analysis, the study then discusses the main aspects of the rule of law in post-conflict societies, and the role of China in the social construction of the post-conflict societies. This study summarizes the three main paths of the UN building rule of law in post-conflict societies, including transitional justice, peace operations and the reconstruction of the constitutional order, to investigate the theory and practice of the UN’s effort in reconstructing the conflict societies, as well as the different role of the UN agencies, the UN General Assembly, Security Council, International Court of Justice and the Secretary-General, in promoting rule of law in these societies. This thesis does not only study individual concepts, but also analyzes the theory and practice of the UN concerning the rule of law. It then points out the shortcomings of the UN system, as well as, challenges currently affecting the UN and its operations. Therefore, this study may help to promote the leading role of the UN in post-conflict societies in construction of the rule of law. This study then further discusses the role of China in the rule-of-law construction in conflict societies, as well as the assistance of the UN’s operations. This analysis includes China’s foreign policies, the practice of assistance in post-conflict societies, and the positioning of China concerning related issues. Although China has been constantly emphasizing the responsible image in the international community, it still has problems of inadequacy of participation which needs further enhancement.

Chinese Abstract

本文以衝突中和衝突後社會(以下簡稱衝突社會)的法治為研究對象,以 國際社會,尤其是聯合國在衝突社會中的法治努力作為切入點,探討了聯合國 建設衝突社會法治的三個主要路徑:過渡司法、和平行動以及憲政秩序的重建, 分析了聯合國在衝突社會法治建設的理論和實踐,以及聯合國各機構在推動衝 突社會法治的不同作用。本文也對我國在衝突社會法治建設中所做的努力和貢 獻進行了研究。 本文並不停留於概念分析與理論闡發,而是將理論與聯合國踐行法治的具 體內容相結合進行評述,指出聯合國體制和運作上的一些弊端,以及所面臨的 新挑戰,從而推動聯合國在衝突社會法治建設中角色的不斷完善。此外,儘管 中國在促進衝突社會法治方面業已發揮了大國作用,但在某些方面參與度不 夠,仍需要不斷加強。 關鍵詞:衝突社會 衝突社會法治 過渡司法 和平行動 憲政重建 聯 合國與中國

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Faculty of Law




Rule of law.


Rule of law -- China.

法治 -- 中國.

World politics -- 1989-.

世界政治 -- 1989-.

China -- Foreign economic relations -- 21st century.

中國 -- 對外經濟關係 -- 21 世紀.

China -- Politics and government -- 1976-2002.

中國 -- 政治及政府 -- 1976-2002.



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