
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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製藥企業應對藥品價格管制的戰略行為 : 基於新醫改背景下的實證分析

English Abstract

Pharmaceutical companies have argued on drug price with government for many years. Under the background of new healthcare reform, the national government issued more and sharper policies on drug price regulation, and the institutional regulation has covered distribution, drug practice and terminal use. Based on this situation, pharmaceutical companies have to change strategies in order to maintain profit. This paper selected 2 local and 2 multi-national companies to dig for their perception and responses to new drug price regulation on institutional dimension in for case study, and then use public bidding data of Guangdong province from 2009-2012 to testify results get from last step. Qualitative research is aim at to observe how pharmaceutical companies perceive new drug price regulation and how they response to it in current days. After case study we found that there are differences between local pharmaceutical companies and multinational companies (MNCs) on perception to institutional change because of great disparity in technology, quality and patent information of their products. In addition, organizational behaviors can be divided into technology, marketing and management level, and local companies hope to increase their capability through mimetic. However, the homogenization is limited due to resource endowment. At last, this research gave suggestions in order to increase negotiation capability. Quantitative research testified the results given by qualitative research by bidding data from Guangdong province from 2009-2012 and gets the similar conclusion. With OLS regression, product type, ownership, change of price ceiling and market share of last period had great impact on perception of pharmaceutical companies to new drug price regulation. With panel regression, ownership, perception to institution change, price ceiling change and market share of last period effect on company responses apparently. In conclusion, the diversity between local companies and MNCs on perception and responses is due to quality, technology and patent information of product, and 澳门大学硕士学位论文 IV thus patent medicine can negotiate more than generics. Moreover, MNCs get alliance through professional association which made them more choices and ability on strategic behaviors.

Chinese Abstract

多年来,制药企业与政府就药品价格问题展开了多轮博弈。新医改后,国家 对药品价格的管制更为严厉,管控范围涉及流通、使用与终端等多个环节。因此, 制药企业需要调整战略行为以保证在强烈的价格管制冲击下的营业利润。本文选 取 2 家内资和 2 家外资制药企业开展定性探讨,后选取广东省 2009-2012 年招标 数据,以制度因素和企业行为两个维度展开,分别以定性研究和定量分析的混合 方法,对制药企业在新医改背景下对制度的感知以及战略行为进行探讨。 定性研究主要用于探讨制药企业在新医改背景下对药品价格管制的制度压 力感知,以及现阶段所采取的战略行为。分析得到,内外资制药企业由于产品技 术、质量和专利原因同种通用名药品收到不同的价格管制,即使划归同一制度类 型下的药品对制度压力的感受也偏差较大。在应对策略中,制药企业应对价格管 制的行为可分为技术、市场、管理三个层次,内资企业对外资企业的行为进行模 仿而导致同质化,但是这种同质化受到了企业资源禀赋的限制。在此基础上,本 文进一步提出对内资企业增强议价能力的建议。 定量研究的部分以广东省 2009-2011 年药品招标采购数据进行分析,基本印 证了定性研究得到的结果:通过 OLS 回归得到制药企业对新医改后药品价格管 制制度的感知显著受到了产品类型、企业所有制、限价幅度以及上一期市场份额 的影响;通过面板回归得到制药企业的某一药品的战略选择显著受到了企业所有 制、企业该药品对价格管制制度的感知、限价幅度的变化、企业该药品上一期的 市场份额的影响。 总而言之,内外资制药企业在对药品价格制度的压力感受以及战略选择间的 差异主要由于产品的质量和技术所导致,仿制药较之原研药更不具备议价能力。 此外,外资制药企业通过协会达成联盟,在战略选择上能够进行更多的有效选择。 关键词:制药企业;药品价格制度;企业行为;新制度

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Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences




Pharmaceutical industry -- China

藥業 -- 中國

Drugs -- Prices -- China

藥物 -- 價格 -- 中國



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