
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

The main purpose of this research is to understand Macau Form six students’ considering factors of of choosing tertiary institutions. The research framework is to explore the different situations between the students’ background variables towards the considering factors of choosing tertiary institutions. Students’ background variables include sex, school type, course type, family income, father’s educational level, mother’s educational level; students’considering factors of tertiary institutions include personal factors, influence of others, facilities and environment, academic performance, social and life, source of information and economic orientation. The target of this research is Macao formal education Form 6 students in the school year 2010/2011. The method used in this research is survey research. The questionnaires were delivered to 2 public schools and 4 private schools. There were 741 valid questionaires received. According to this research, the following conclusions are made: 1. When Macao Form 6 students are choosing tertiary institutions, they will consider various considering factors. The categories of considering factors are listed in accordance with the rank of importance: Personal Factors, Facilities and Environment, Academic Performance, Economic Orientation, Source of Information, Influence of Others, Social and Life. 2. Gender: Female students are more concern about the above mentioned considerations than male students. 3. Types of High School: Public high school students are more concern about the social and life; the private school students more concern about personal economic factor and the academic reputation of the tertiary institution. 4. Types of course major: Students who are major in arts and science are more concern about the academic reputation of the institution when they are compared to the students who are major in vocational and technical course; in addition, students who are major in science are more concern about the personal factors when they are compared to the students who are major in vocational and technical course. 5. Family income: Students who come from lower income families are more concern about the economic factors. 6. Father’s educational level: For the fathers with higher educational level, they are more concern about the facilities and environment of the institution; on the other hand, they are less concern about the economic factors. 7. Mother’s educational level: For the mothers with higher educational level, they are more concern about the facilities, environment and academic reputation of the institution.

Chinese Abstract

本硏究目的是爲瞭解澳門高三學生選擇高等院校的考量因素,硏究架構爲探討學 生背景變項與選擇高等院校的考量因素之間的情形。當中學生背景變項包括性別、學 校類型、就讀組別、家庭收入、父親教育程度及母親教育程度;學生選擇高等院校的 考量因素包括個人因素、他人影響、設備環境、學術表現、社交與生活、資訊來源及 經濟取向。 本硏究的對象爲2010/11學年在澳門就讀正規教育高中三年級的學生,採用調查 硏究法,以問卷作爲硏究工具,向兩所公立學校和四所私立學校進行施測,合共收回 有效問卷741份。據此進行實證硏究,最後得到以下結論: 1. 澳門高三學生在選擇高等院校時,對各選校考量因素向度,按其重視程度依次爲: 個人因素;設備環境;學術表現;經濟取向;資訊來源;他人影響;社交與生活。 2. 不同性別的學生,女生在所有選校考量因素向度皆較男生重視。 3. 不同學校類型的學生,公立學校學生較私立學校學生重視高等院校的社交與生 活,而私立學校學生則較公立學校學生重視經濟考量和高等院校的學術表現。 4. 不同就讀組別的學生,文、理組學生較職業技術學生重視高等院校的學術表現; 理組學生較職業技術學生重視個人因素。 5. 不同家庭收入的學生,家庭收入越低的學生越重視經濟考量。 6. 父親教育程度不同的學生,父親教育程度越高的學生越重視高等院校的設備環 境,而父親教育程度越低的學生則越重視經濟考量。 7. 母親教育程度不同的學生,母親教育程度越高的學生越重視高等院校的設備環境 和學術表現。 關鍵詞:澳門、高三學生、選校考量因素。

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Faculty of Education




College choice -- Macau

升讀大專院校之選擇 -- 澳門

High school graduates -- Macau

高中畢業生 -- 澳門

Postsecondary education -- Macau

高中後之教育 -- 澳門



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