UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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In the judicial practice, there are more and more disputes on corporate deadlock. The problem is more outstanding in the limited liability company,because the limited liability company is closed, highly dependent on the personal trust relationship between shareholders, limited scale and does not exist public shares trading market. Once the problem happens, it is very difficult to solve. The appearance of corporate deadlock makes the normal operation of the corporation at a standstill, and directly impairs the interests of the company, shareholders and the other stakeholders. Law of countries all places importance on corporate deadlock, and designed a multi-level settlement mechanism. In the past, our country didn’t pay much attention to the problem, so there aren’t relevant legal rules. However China has begun to implement the latest Corporation Law of People Republic of China on Jan 1st, 2006. The new Corporation Law makes some regulations on how to deal with corporate deadlock, which is contributing a lot to the development of the legislation concerning corporate deadlocks. But it is still difficult to respond to the complicated reality, as there is only a single system of remedies and lacks of supporting measures. So, this paper describes the theory of corporate deadlock, the deep reason and the method of breaking the corporate deadlock in common law and civil law. Furthermore, this paper discusses how our country builds and improves the settlement mechanism of corporate deadlock on the basis of the autonomy principle for corporate by learning from foreign experience in legislation. It will benefit a lot to our country’s corporate system and the entire national economy. This article mainly uses methods of law interpretation, comparison, inductive analysis and deductive reasoning methods to expound on the corporate deadlock and the way to solve it. This article includes four parts. The first part will clarify the relevant principles of corporate deadlock, including its meaning, the feature, the causes and the harm caused by it. There will be a comprehensive understanding of what on earth the corporate deadlock is. The second part is to introduce the method of breaking the corporate deadlock in common law and civil law. Because the common law and the civil law have different historical tradition and ideas of rule by law, there are similarities and differences on the way to break the corporate deadlock. We can learn lessons by analyzing and comparing their legislation. The third part will pay attention to the corporate deadlock in our country, to analyze the relevant legislation as well as the existing defects. By studying of common law and civil law, the fourth part is to 5 analyze and search the way to perfect our country's legislation system of breaking the corporate deadlock in view of China's economic and legal situation. The perfection should include the following respects: paying more attention on the company constitution, using the mediation system and arbitration system, improving the system of judicial dissolution, as well as building alternative remedies.
- Chinese Abstract
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在司法实践中,有关公司僵局的纠纷越来越多。有限责任公司由于其具有封 闭性、高度依赖股东间的人身信任关系、有限规模以及不存在公开的股份交易市 场等特性,所以公司僵局的情况尤为突出,而且一旦发生就不容易解决。公司僵 局导致公司不能正常运转,直接危害公司、股东以及其他利益相关者的利益。各 国法律均对公司僵局问题颇为重视,设计了多层次的处理机制。我国原对公司僵 局问题不够重视,法律也无相关规定。但 2006 年 1 月 1 日开始实施的新修订《中 华人民共和国公司法》在第 183 条规定了司法解散制度,是公司僵局的一种解决 方式。这是立法上的一大进步,极大地推动了我国立法上在公司僵局问题上的发 展。但其操作性还不强,单一的救济措施和配套制度的缺失并没有建构起一个完 整的公司僵局处理体制,很难应对复杂多变的社会现实。为此,笔者认为进一步 深入研究公司僵局的理论,理解公司僵局产生的深层原因,并借鉴英美法系和大 陆法系解决公司僵局的方法,探讨如何建构起一套完整有条理并具有可操作性的 解决我国有限责任公司中公司僵局的体系,对于我国公司制度的发展以及整个国 民经济的发展都是大有裨益的。 本文将运用法律解释、比较研究、归纳分析以及演绎推理的方法来阐述公司 僵局及其破解路径这一问题,全文分为四个部分。第一部分将阐述公司僵局的有 关原理,包括它的含义、特征、产生的原因和会造成的危害,对何为公司僵局有 一个全面的认识和了解。第二部分则是介绍两大法系破解公司僵局问题的路径, 由于历史传统和法治理念的不同,两大法系在这个问题上有共通之处也存在很大 差异,分析比较他们的立法,可以从中吸取经验教训。第三部分是关注我国的公 3 司僵局问题,分析我国现在有关的立法以及存在的缺陷。第四部分就是从前面两 大法系的启示以及对我国立法的研究中,针对我国的经济和法律现状,分析寻找 完善我国破解公司僵局问题的制度,包括对公司章程的重视,调解、仲裁制度的 运用,以及司法解散制度的完善,和替代性救济措施的构建。 关键字:公司僵局,司法解散制度,破解路径
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- Faculty
Faculty of Law
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- Subject
Liquidation -- China
清盤 -- 中國
Corporation law -- China
公司法 -- 中國
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001035279706306