
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

The thesis conducts a research on transnational human trafficking from the perspective of international criminal policy. It focuses on issues of four main areas, namely legislation, judicial procedure, victim protection and crime prevention. The thesis is divided into six chapters. It contains 18 thousand words around. The first chapter is introduction of international criminal policy and transnational human trafficking. This chapter constructs the concept and basic theory of international criminal policy, discusses the current situation, definition, causes and dangers of transnational human trafficking, proofs the necessity and scientific of studying transnational human trafficking from the perspective of international criminal policy rather than other perspectives, and proposes concrete research framework. The second chapter is policy resource of international criminal policy of transnational human trafficking. It categorizes the policy resource into hard law and soft law two parts, and thoroughly discusses provision related to human trafficking in international legal documents about slavery, prostitution, worker protection, organized crime and human rights. Besides, it chooses important guide books and manuals issued by international organizations closely relating to human trafficking as representatives for international soft law to explain the significance of soft law in framing the international principles and norms regarding human trafficking. After that, it compares the differences and analyzes the links between hard law and soft vi law as two kinds of policy resource about transnational human trafficking. The third chapter is international criminal policy of transnational human trafficking in legislative process. This chapter answers three major questions as follow, criminalization, penalty configuration and legal persons’ responsibility of transnational human trafficking. Around the three questions, it provides the principles and standards which the sovereign states should follow when they are conducting legislation of human trafficking. Combing national laws in different jurisdictions, it compares and categorizes their legislative styles, models and techniques. The fourth chapter is international criminal policy of transnational human trafficking in judicial procedure. This chapter deals with the prosecution of traffickers, the victim assistance pre-trail, the victim protection on trail, and national coordination and cooperation in human trafficking matters. It raises principles, norms, programs and measures, either compulsory or selective, for the law enforcement and other judiciary organs to follow. It also brings forward best practice world wise in this regard. The fifth chapter is international criminal policy of transnational human trafficking in victim protection. This chapter aims to explore the victim entitled human rights, includes: the right to stay for both temporary and permanent time, the right to apply for refugee status recognition and asylum protection, the right to compensation, and the right to rehabilitation and reintegration. vii The sixth chapter is international criminal policy of transnational human trafficking in crime prevention. It emphasizes the importance of using social policy, other than criminal methods to prevent human trafficking. From root causes elimination and demand reduction two channels, the chapter elaborates different rationales to control supply and demand, and presents the real choices made by various countries. In conclusion, the thesis sums up the previous discussion, generates the principles and measures to combat human trafficking, and the achievement and challenge in working on human trafficking issues. With the study of human trafficking, the thesis examines the definition of “international criminal policy”. Finally, the thesis presents topics found during this study deserve future research.

Chinese Abstract

本文以跨國販賣人口犯罪為研究對象,從國際刑事政策的視角對跨國販賣 人口犯罪的立法、司法、被害人保護、以及預防政策展開了論述。全文分為六 章,共十八萬字。 第一章國際刑事政策與跨國販賣人口犯罪概述。本章對國際刑事政策的基 礎理論進行了展開;對跨國販賣人口犯罪的概況、概念、成因、危害進行了論 述;並論證了從國際刑事政策視角研究跨國販賣人口犯罪的必要性和科學性, 構建了具體的研究框架。 第二章跨國販賣人口犯罪國際刑事政策之政策淵源。本章將政策淵源分為 國際硬法和國際軟法兩大部分展開論述。詳盡解析了國際硬法中禁奴、禁娼、 勞工保護、打擊有組織犯罪和人權保護法律文件中與販賣人口有關的條文;國 際軟法中尤其是國際組織出臺的與販賣人口犯罪直接相關的指引文件。比較硬 法和軟法兩類淵源的區別,分析兩者的聯繫。 第三章跨國販賣人口犯罪之國際刑事立法政策。本章主要回答了跨國販賣 人口的犯罪化問題,刑罰配置問題和法人責任問題。針對上述三方面問題,提 出主權國進行跨國販賣人口犯罪立法時應遵循的政策,並結合多國內國法,分 析比較立法體例、模式、具體技巧的不同。 第四章跨國販賣人口犯罪之國際刑事司法政策。本章從對販運者的刑事追 訴、對被害人的訴前保護和對被害人的訴中保護、以及國家協調與合作四方面, 提出了跨國販賣人口犯罪刑事司法過程中應當遵循的原則、準則、方案、措施。 並對好的司法舉措、做法作為代表進行了介紹。 iv 第五章跨國販賣人口犯罪之國際刑事被害人政策。本章探索了刑事訴訟之 外被害人可以享受的權利,具體包括:居留權、申請難民資格獲得庇護的權利、 請求賠償和補償的權利、接受遣返以及重返社會的權利。 第六章跨國販賣人口犯罪之國際刑事預防政策。本章強調了運用非刑法、 非刑罰手段的社會政策來預防販賣人口犯罪的重要性。從消除供給和減少需求 兩方面,提出了預防販賣人口犯罪的政策,並對各國的不同政策選擇進行了比 較分析。 文章最後對前文觀點進行了總結歸納,指出應對跨國販賣人口犯罪的原則 和措施,以及應對跨國販賣人口犯罪的成就和挑戰。並通過跨國販賣人口犯罪 的相關實踐反觀國際刑事政策的概念和理論。最後將本文撰寫中發掘出的具有 後續研究價值的問題進行了介紹。 關鍵字:國際刑事政策、跨國販賣人口犯罪、立法政策、司法政策、被害人政 策、預防政策

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Faculty of Law




Transnational crime


Human trafficking




Criminal law


Criminal justice, Administration of




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