
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

The purpose of this study aimed to construct the psychological skills inventory for basketball players in Macao, and also to examine and explore the skill levels of basketball players in Macao by using the scores of the psychological skills inventory. In this study, the "Psychological Skills inventory of basketball players” as a research tool, it was designed to fit to Macao basketball players. After modification, psychological skills inventory for Macao basketball players was completed by adding basketball characteristic, content validity and construct validity were establishedby literature review and expert validity, the KMO and the reliability value for the inventory were 0.868 and 0.927 respectively, it contains 52 items with eight sub-inventoryand the reliability values were: cognitive control(10) is 0.780, motivation(8) is 0.812, coordinating ability(5) is 0.854, concentration(7) is 0.643, confidence(6) is 0.737, coping with anxiety(6) is 0.835, judgment(4) is 0.752 and willpower(6) is 0.885. The study subjects were the men’s basketball players attending the Macau Basketball League in 2010 for the adult and high school students. There were 263 valid samples from the 267 basketball players. Base on the descriptive statistics, independent t-test and one way MANOVA to perform the data statistics to examine the hypothesis of the study, the results were in the following: 1. The Macao basketball players should behaving eight psychological skills included: cognitive control, motivation, coordinating ability, Concentration, confidence, coping with anxiety, judgment and willpower.Statistical analysis showed that the scale has good reliability and construct validity, suitable for analyzing the status of psychological skills basketball player of Macao. 2. Macao basketball players in the psychological skills inventory of each factorscoresorderwerewillpower, coordinating ability, motivation, cognitive control, concentration, coping with anxiety, confidence and judgment. 3. Asignificant difference of psychological skills among elite basketball players and non-elite basketball players were found. Significantly, elite basketball player’s state is higher than non-elite basketball players in Macao. There are significant difference between the adult and high school students on the coordinating ability, concentration and judgment for non elite basketball players. Moreover, the skills of the coordinating ability and concentration for non elite players of high school students is greater than adult players, but the judgment of adult players is higher than the high school players. iv 4. The psychological skills can be affected by the age and training time of basketball players, there are significant difference of psychological skills among difference age and training time. However, there are no significant difference between the psychological skills and eduction.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在建構澳門籃球員心理技能量表,並透過此量表進一步探討籃球員 心理技能水準及分析其現狀。本研究使用研究者編製的「籃球員心理技能量表」 為研究工具,量表經文獻探討和專家效度確認,具內容效度,同時透過因素分析 確定其建構效度,總量表之 KMO 和信度α值分別為 0.868 和 0.927,其八個分量 表之信度系數分別為:認知調控(10 題)為 0.780、動機(8 題)為 0.812、恊調能力 (5 題)為 0.854、專注(7 題)為 0.643、自信心(6 題)為 0.737、抗焦慮(6 題)為 0.835、判斷力(4 題)為 0.752、意志力(6 題)為 0.885,共 52 題。現狀調查對象 主要是以參加 2010 年全澳中學生學界籃球比賽及聯賽甲組之男子籃球員,採用立 意抽樣,選取 267 名籃球員填答量表,有效問卷共回收 263 份(回收率 98.5%)。 以描述性統計、獨立樣子 t 檢驗及獨立樣本單因數變異數分析進行統計分析,研 究結果如下: 一、 澳門籃球員需俱備的運動心理技能包括:「認知調控」、「動機」、「恊調 能力」、「專注」、「自信心」、「抗焦慮」、「判斷力」、「意志力」等八 個因素,經過統計分析得知,本量表具有良好的結構效度與信度,適合用以分 析籃球員心理技能狀況。 二、 澳門籃球員的八個心理技能表現: 意志力(M=3.746、SD=0.677),其次為恊 調 能 力 (M=3.685 、 MD=0.589) 、 動 機 (M=3.486 、 MD=0.601) 、 認 知 調 控 (M=3.483 、 MD=0.523) 、 專 注 (M=3.378 、 MD=0.458) 、 抗 焦 慮 (M=3.317 、 MD=0.747)、自信心(M=3.259、MD=0.586)、判斷力(M=3.183、MD=0.783)得分 最低。 三、 學界組、聯賽甲組之優秀籃球員與其一般籃球員之各分量表得分情況逹顯 著差異;表示澳門優秀籃球員之心理技能狀況均高於一般籃球員。而學界組與 聯賽甲組之一般籃球員在量表得分中只有在恊調能力、專注方面及判斷力逹到 顯著差異。而恊調能力、專注方面學界組的一般籃球員均高於甲組一般的籃球 員,而判斷力方面聯賽甲組的一般籃球運動郤高於學界組的一般運動員。 ii 四、 澳門籃球員心理技能與籃球員的不同年齡和球齡等背景變項逹顯著差異;而 籃球員心理技能與籃球員的不同教育程度的背景變項並未逹顯著差異。 關鍵詞: 籃球員、心理技能、量表

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Faculty of Education




Basketball players -- Macau.

籃球運動員 -- 澳門.

Sports -- Psychological aspects.

體育 -- 心理方面.

Athletes -- Macau.

運動員 -- 澳門.



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