
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Many researches in recent study indicated the diversified mode of participation in sport between male and female students. Researches indicated the gender differences in sport choice while male students exhibited higher participation rate for exercises than female students. The differences may be related to the opportunities for participation and experiences while are having their physical education lesson in school. Schools are always regarded as an important socializing agent for students to develop their sport behavior. To learn the influence of school sport policy and its impact to sport behavior development in both sex seemed seems to be important issue for solving the gender difference in sport behavior development. This study was conducted in 5 Macau and 2 Taipei secondary schools. A total of 598 students were involved in questionnaire survey, of which 333 were Macau students and 265 students were from Taipei city. Among the 598 high school students, 355 were male students and 236 were female students. Result indicated that the different educational system in Macau and Taipei had influence on the diversified development of sport behavior. Students in these two cities had similar choice on their favorable sports. Both of the male and female students took basketball as their favorable sport activity. Both of the students in the two cities indicate their desire to have PE class. Nevertheless, students had a diversified perception on different items such as persistence in sport activities and relaxation. The male and female students exhibited differences on sport participation. Male students indicated higher participation rate than female students. When both of the students in the two cities were counted together, they had similar participation rate in sport and physical activities. For example; both of the students exercised 2-3 time a week and 2-3 hours per exercise. The data from this research helped to understand the importance of school sport policy and influence on sport behavior development. There are indirect link to sport choice between the male and female students. For this reason, development of proper policy in school sport should not be neglected.

Chinese Abstract

近年有關參與體育運動的研究及相關資料均指出,中學生在參與體育運動有 減少的跡象,然而男、女學生在參與體育運動的都出現不同的現象,而且兩性在 選擇運動項目也出現不同的看法。有研究發現男學生對參與體育運動,相對較女 學生積極,原因可能是兩性在參與體育運動的機會、經歷等都不同有關。從小學 到中學,學生通過學校體育課及課餘體育活動獲得接觸體育運動機會,而學校是 社會的縮影,也作為社會化的工具,學校體育課及相關活動就成為培養學生良好 運動習慣的渠道,因此學校體育課的設置尤其重要,而學校體育政策與體育課的 設置,都能為學生參與體育運動帶來影響。本研究對澳門 5 所中學及台北 2 所中 學,合共 598 名高中學生進行問卷調查,目的在於了解不同地區的學校體育政 策,如何影響兩性在參與體育運動的行為表現?由於澳門與台北地區的體育教育 政策不同,在不同的體育政策影響下,高中男、女學生在參與體育運動的行為是 否存在不同的地方?不同地區男、女學生在選擇運動項目又是否不同?研究對象 共 598 名高中學生,男學生 355 名,女學生 236 名。當中澳門學生有 333 名,台 北學生有 265 名。研究結果顯示,澳門與台北地區的高中學生在參與課餘體育運 動行為上,出現了顯著差異。兩地區學生在選擇參與運動項目大約相同,澳門與 台北地區的高中男、女學生均選擇籃球為最喜愛的運動。兩地區學生均喜歡體育 課,兩地區學生對體育課的效益存在不同的看法,在個別項目中,如:堅持進行 運動、放鬆心情等項目出現差異。兩地區男、女學生參與體育運動的情況亦出現 顯著差異,男學生較女學生積極參與體育運動,女學生參與體育運動的積極性還 待進一步提高;兩地區學生的運動習慣亦相似,大部份學生選擇每週參與體育運 動次數在 2-3 次、運動時數在 2-3 小時。從研究中了解不同的政策對運動參與行 為產生變化,亦間接影響兩性對運動的選擇,因此在未來對政策發展不容忽視。 關鍵詞:高中學生、性別差異、體育運動、學校體育課、運動參與

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Faculty of Education




Physical education and training -- Study and teaching

體育教育及訓練 -- 學習及教學

Health education (Secondary)

健康教育 (高中)

School sports -- Macau

學校體育 -- 澳門

School sports -- Taiwan

學校體育 -- 台灣



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